About Susan Lindauer

Washington DC

As a U.S. Intelligence Asset, Susan Lindauer covered anti-terrorism at the Iraqi Embassy in New York from 1996 up to the invasion. Independent sources have confirmed that she gave advance warning about the 9/11 attack. She also started talks for the Lockerbie Trial with Libyan diplomats. Shortly after requesting to testify before Congress about successful elements of Pre-War Intelligence, Lindauer became one of the first non-Arab Americans arrested on the Patriot Act as an “Iraqi Agent.” She was accused of warning her second cousin, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and Secretary of State Colin Powell that War with Iraq would have catastrophic consequences. Gratis of the Patriot Act, her indictment was loaded with “secret charges” and “secret evidence.” She was subjected to one year in prison on Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas without a trial or hearing, and threatened with indefinite detention and forcible drugging to shut her up. After five years of indictment without a conviction or guilty plea, the Justice Department dismissed all charges five days before President Obama’s inauguration.

Video from Portland, Oregon, August, 2011– on CIA’s advance warnings about 9/11 and cover up on the Patriot Act.

Video from RT, December, 2011– Whistleblowers demonized by Washington


Interview with Press-TV’s Susanne Modaressa for “The Autograph”

  1. Dear Susan,
    I absolutely loved your book and am trying to get everyone to read it. Janet Phelan is my friend and helped my daughter. She didn’t think the library here in Sandpoint would get it for me, but they bought it. I am trying to figure out who should read it first. I would like to know what you are doing now, besides promoting your book. Thank-you for your wonderful book
    Sincerely, Elaine Tormey

    • Barry Lanza says:

      Lockerbie – I was on the witness and was ‘traded away’ in a deal. The trial was about money on all sides

      look at http://www.hotmail.com account champcompconsultant@hotmail.com password roya123
      to see emails from Libyan , US and UK victims groups

      Please contact Barry Lanza 44 1786 831540 for documents for free

      The Libyan politicans don’t know anything and just want their assets unfrozen.

      The justice minister say Ghaddafi would do anything to free the accused Libyan but he spend 100 million dollars on thr first trial

      and called no defence witnesses.

      Legwell called immedikately after the first loss and said he want me as a witness on the new evidence I had.

      The lawyers

      They collected the evidence and made the DEALs, and buried it.

      For Example, Eddie Mackenkie is still at 44 717 1934983, still active

      The lawyers are worried as they never represented the Libyan accused as they buried evidence, some FOR Gadaffi who did not want to piss off the UK and US

      If they won the case and pissed off the US, UK, they could not ‘cleanse’ the money stolen and succession of Ghaddafis son

      I have Legwell Dutch mobile number, but that is useless now.

      Anthony Meli said he owned Bollier and got him out of bankrupcy. Bollier wife was Iranian The Libyan rep Ferguson told me..

      Bollier was acknowledged that he made the timer for the bomb.. why did he not go to jail????

      The Libyans could have used ithe fact that Bollier wife was Iranian to get Mehgrai free (he could never point to Iran)

      Swiss Lawyer Meli last phone number is 41 717 44 9006 and said he had proof on Lockerbie, but was not allowed to use it.

      Wilmott was assigned to me and made a deal in May 2001 to get me off the list.

      Sudan and Libya were put on the UN Human Rights Committee in a deal with the Bush administration.

      He was the lawyer for Libyan and Sudan as well as Lockerbie,, there were about 40 lawyer, set up in groups, who Libya hired.

      Wilmotte was pissed as Legwell talked to me after the deal.

      > From: champcompconsultant@hotmail.com
      > To: champcompconsultant@hotmail.com
      > Subject: sample emails from Lockerbie Libyan representatives
      > Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 05:36:32 -0500
      > J’ignore si Maître LEGWELL a vraiment voulu vous joindre mais dans l’hypothèse où il aurait effectivement voulu établir un contact, je serais surpris qu’il agisse de la sorte que vous décrivez.
      > Puisque vous déclarez détenir des preuves concrètes, je vous suggère de les réunir et de vous mettre en rapport avec l’ambassade de Libye à Bruxelles, sans tarder. C’est l’ambassadeur qui est en charge du dossier.
      > Philippe CHANSAY WILMOTTE
      > Avocat au Barreau de Bruxelles

      the UK election

      CIA agent Douglas Barbie told me why PM Major blamed Libya in early 1993.

      He also said the CIA did not know who did the Lockerbie bombing but the political pressure
      to name someone was heavy.

      the SNP has an election in 3 weeks.. as the SNP has sold me out, Bob, pressure them, and they will talk,,

      do you want answers??? they have some and need to be provoked

      Barry Lanza


    • Hal Womack says:

      Dear Susan Lindauer,

      This’s about as close as I can get to an eddress for you, eh? Just now you inspired me to write the article linked below as a sort of introduction. Besides that latest one, since 1994 I have also published about 7K others on Usenet newsgroups. One of my survey questions = Whom since 1900 do you most admire? And the following item FYI:


      Newsgroups: alt.politics, us.military.army, alt.gossip.celebrities, talk.politics.mideast, rec.music.hip-hop
      Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 06:29:53 -0800 (PST)
      Subject: So, Whom Do You Want For the Next President of the USA?

      BTW I grew up in Ft.Worth. My late father was pediatrician to Carswell AFB. YKA [= “You Know Already”] about that great Mexican restaurant on the North side, Joe T. Garcia’s ?

      Cheers, Hal Womack of San Francisco (Chinatown)

  2. Dear Mrs. Lindauer

    Thanks for all your personal sacrifices in getting the truth out the the world.

    God speed in all your future endeavors!

    Love “Light” and Energy


  3. anonymous says:

    The 9/11 truth is out on the internet.

    This is the truth – The WTC was destroyed by 3 thermo-nuclear explosions.

    It’s all covered in this interview with Dimitri Khalezov, a former
    officer of the Soviet nuclear intelligence unit.


    Click to access Dimitri_Khalezov_Book_Third_Truth_911_free_11chapters.pdf

    Click to access 11septemberthirdtruthenglishnexus.pdf


    Hint: The interview is in 26 parts and lasts over 4 hours. Check out parts 4, 14, 24 and 25 first before watching the whole caboodle.

    Part 4 tells you of the NUCLEAR demolition scheme of the WTC.

    Part 14 tells you what happened to WTC-7 which fell 24 mins after the BBC announced its collapse.

    Parts 24 & 25 is about the radiation sickness of the WTC responders.

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Crystal Marie Dore, George Karavelis. George Karavelis said: CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Blows The Whistle On 9/11 https://extremeprejudiceusa.wordpress.com/about/ […]

  5. Isaiah26:3 says:

    Thank you and God Bless You We all must choose in this life whom we will serve , Good or Evil , you have chose well .


  6. john harris says:

    Hello Susan,

    I just heard your recent radio interview from a url posted on the journalist’s Robert Parry’s ConsortiumNews.com blog forum for a recent article he did on 9/11.

    I tried twice posting some info about your new book and your being a former CIA asset with foreknowledge of 9/11 and he deleted it.

    check out his blog that has 38 comments (mine was 39 but it got deleted immediately).

    if this blog doesn’t work go to his original article: http://www.consortiumnews.com/2011/011511.html
    and scroll down to find the “leave a comment” on this blog.

    My guess is he doesn’t believe your story and deletes any post that has your name on it. I’m sorry you’ve gotten a rude reception from so many leading journalists who claim they are independent thinkers but have a permanent switch set to “off” when it comes to looking into 9/11 beyond the NIST report and 9/11 commission.

    congrats on having so much backbone and going public with your story.

  7. Kathy says:

    Hi Susan, I heard your radio interview with Kevin. I purchased your book. I thought you were crazy in 2003, however too many things were not ” right” with the narrative of 9/11. I can absolutely verify there was widespread foreknowledge. In capacity as M&A attorney I oversaw an all cash SPA in excess for $250M which commenced in April- May 2001. I personally negotiated te Employment Agreement with the primary ” Engineer”. That was in excess of $10M. In addition a non negotiable clause was called a deal bresker by the Engineer’s attorney. I remember quite clearly the clause that he would not be required to travel more thsn 50 miles from his California place of employment. The desl slowed down before August, ie radio silence. Suddenly 11 -12 days before 911 we were rushed to close into a Friday afternoon as I remember was Aug 30 or 31. 2 days before this the Seller’s attorney called me looking for his client. Well that client flew to Ca met the Engineer for a meeting and perhaps other issues. The Seller was from a prominent middle eastern country however had been in the US For quite a long time. On the day of 911 I came to fully realize they had foreknowledge…(and for other reasons which should not be disclosed). I finally began my journey into the truth in late 2004. I’m glad your out, home, have published and are being heard. Congratulations.

    • charles hart says:

      Hello,Susan is greatest person to ever stand up for what’s right.Whatever I can do to help..I will..and will discuss with many people. Maybe talking with university and musicians that are famous may also help spread the word??We all need to get together and have change.

  8. anonymous says:

    New Khalezov interview

    Real explosive stuff – there was a mini-nuke under Chernobyl!

  9. Bald Eagle says:

    I am currently reading your fabulous book Extreme Prejudice. I can only imagine the agony you felt! From day one, 9/11 did not smell right to me!! I did a tour in Vietnam with an Army MI unit in 1968. The slaughtering of millions there was all about protecting the profits of our military industrial complex and a few elite.

  10. David Marshall says:

    The Feres Doctrine Covers Up Human Experiments!

    In 2011 shouldn’t U.S. Service Personnel have the same U.S. Constitutional Rights that rapists and murderers keep?

    2002 U.S. Senate Hearing on the Feres Doctrine. [8] The 2002 Hearing’s 127 pages of 19 Testimonials and Submissions for the Record did not address the previously documented: 1. Fact that convicted rapists and murderers receive U.S. Constitutional experimentation protection that U.S. Service Personnel DO NOT!! [4] 2. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and U.S. Senate 1994 Reports that recorded “hundreds of thousands” of in-service personnel injured by non-consensual, experiments. [2 & 3] The Senate 1994 Report’s withheld needed for treatment but experiment identifying evidence and the 1994 Court of Veterans Appeals (COVA) related “may not review”. [2 & 5] 3. Not 2002 recognized was that many experiments were in direct disobedience of the Department of Defense (DOD) Secretary’s 1953 Order. [7] The U.S. Supreme Courts 1987 STANLEY case was a Feres Doctrine based approval of a 1958 injurious non-consensual, military experiment. [6] Disobeyed was the 1953 DOD order and for military personnel lost was the U.S. Constitution, Amendment Eight protection given to U.S. Prisoners! [4]

    OVERSIGHTS: Starting on page 64 of the 2002 Senate Hearing PDF version, [1] the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE stated that in the 1950 U.S. Supreme Court’s Feres Doctrine decision [8], “The Court relied upon three principal reasons in coming to its decision: (1) The existence and availability of a separate, uniform, comprehensive, no-fault compensation scheme for injured military personnel;” Answering this issue are the millions of service records that were destroyed in a 1973 National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) fire. Followed by Congress’s 1974 Privacy Act that censored experiment verifying witnesses from any surviving and future records and the withheld experimentation evidence of the 1994 U.S. Senate Report. [2] The Report noted, “The Feres Doctrine should not be applied for military personnel who are harmed by inappropriate human experimentation when informed consent has not been given.” Then, “During the last 50 years, hundreds of thousands of military personnel” were subjected to “experiments that were designed to harm”, e.g., their reported biological and chemical agents, radiation exposure, hallucinogenic and investigational drugs, experimental vaccines and behavior modification projects. In 2011 still ignored is this and the Report’s past and present, “III. Findings and conclusions”, “K. DOD and DVA have repeatedly failed to provide information and medical followup to those who participate in military research…” and “N. Participation in military research is rarely included in military medical records, making it impossible to support a veteran’s claim for service-connected disabilities from military research.”, i.e., the withheld needed for treatment but “experiments that were designed to harm” evidence. In 1994 COVA’s Chief Judge stated the related evidence restricting, “The court may not review the schedule of ratings for disabilities or the policies underlying the schedule.” [5] Based on “the last 50 years” back to 1944, doesn’t the now 67 years of “underlying” policy mean the continuing use of deceived U.S. Service Personnel as guinea pigs in deliberate injury experiments?

    In the “three principal reasons” continuation, the Dept. of Justice reported the Supreme Court’s, “(2) The effect upon military order, discipline, and effectiveness if service member were permitted to sue the government or each other; and, (3) The distinctly federal relationship between the government and members of its armed services, and the corresponding unfairness of permitting service-connected claims to be determined by nonuniform law.” [1], i.e., the “unfairness” of applying the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, Amendment Eight to U.S. Citizens and Prisoners but NOT to U.S. Service Personnel?

    U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION? Overlooked by many in Congress is their Oath of Office to defend the U.S. Constitution, their “Pledge of Allegiance” “with liberty and justice for all” checks and balances function, their U.S. Constitution Eighth Amendment protection of convicted rapists and murderers (but NOT U.S. Service Personnel) with the U.S. Supreme Court’s ignored, carved in stone over its entrance, “EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW”!

    HELP: As in the GAO and U.S. Senate’s reported past, these “military research” “incident to service” [2 & 3] activities are conducted under the ongoing secrecy cover of our ‘national interests’, e.g., WWII, Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan. Shouldn’t U.S. Service Personnel and Veterans get back those Constitutional Rights that they die for and convicted rapists and murderers keep? Please hold your members in the U.S. Congress accountable!


    [1] “THE FERES DOCTRINE: AN EXAMINATION OF THIS MILITARY EXCEPTION TO THE FEDERAL TORT CLAIMS ACT OCTOBER 8, 2002.” http://www.access.gpo.gov/congress/senate/pdf/107hrg/88833.pdf

    [2] December 8, 1994 REPORT 103-97 “Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans’ Health? Lessons Spanning Half a Century.” Hearings Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, 103rd Congress 2nd Session.

    [3] GAO September 28, 1994 “Human Experimentation Overview on Co1d War Era Programs” T-NSIAD-94-266 archive.gao.gov/t2pbat2/152601.pdf

    [4] U.S. State Dept., “U.S. Report under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights July 1994, Article 7 – Freedom from Torture, or Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.”


    [6] U.S. SUPREME COURT, JUNE 25, 1987, U.S. V. STANLEY , 107 S. CT.. 3054 (VOLUME 483 U.S., SECTION 669, PAGES 699 TO 710). http://supreme.justia.com/ us/483/669/ case.html

    [7] Pgs. 343-345: “The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code; Human Rights in Human Experimentation” George J. Annas and Michael A. Grodin (N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1992).

    [8] Feres v. United States, 340 U.S. 135, 146 (1950).

    • I agree with you 100 percent! Thanks for sharing! It shocks most Americans to realize that such a dichotomy exists. But it does. Every day American Service personnel get hit with this.

  11. Dear Ms. Lindauer,

    Please check out the bold facts at


    Kindest regards,

    Dimi Chakalov

  12. What is the potential that 9/11 was a follow-up on:


    Thank you.

  13. Mike Philbin says:


    you were in Counter Intelligence, so why is NO ONE (in your recent batch of online interviews) asking you the “AMALGAM VIRGO 01 wargame” 1-2 June 2001 question, that had Osama Bin Laden as its grinning poster boy?

    • Bin Ladin had been being hunted by military working for Clinton , who had more than sixty cruise missiles and a few smart bombs fired at the Saudi . Killed mostly civilians .

      Validate your 2nd Amendment Rights . Carry

  14. All those media outlets that were calling for Lindauer’s scalp before it was known that she was an asset directed by the CIA should listen to her interview posted here and then publicize that they were totally wrong. . . wrong about her, about Iraq, about 9/11. They swallowed the government’s lies hook, line and sinker. Of course, the media attention she got when she was trying to save us from a stupid war for profit that was foisted on us despite many, many demonstrations against it, will now be denied her . It’s up to us to buy her book, e-mail and snail mail her story. This is not only to recognize her for her heroism but also to warn of the fact that the Obama Administration is locking up other whistleblowers and ready to sign legislation duplicating the Patriot Act to apply arrest, rendition and imprisonment without trial, indefinitely. Soon the Stop Online Piracy Act will be used to shut down Internet opposition. Since this is the only access most of us get to the facts,this is also a great threat.

    • Many thanks, Maynard! I’m totally with you about the urgency of protecting Internet Freedom! The powers of the 1% recognize that we’ve got a powerful forum for beating their control of knowledge. We’re outmaneuvering them, and they don’t like it. Maybe we need some form of referendum policy to repel some of these laws.

  15. The “media” doesn’t miss out… it takes orders and protects its funding and license to operate; along with its political prowess and favors.

  16. Hello Susan, I’ve seen your video talk/Q+A from August, 2011. I know that it was a lot of pressure when people are looking to you for answers when you only know one portion of the story. So far, your information is verifiable and authentic, and I respect that fact that you do not venture into theories and fantastic leaps of logic. Thank you for your story, and I am happy that you fought back against the people who were threatening to suppress you. Good luck.

  17. Hi Susan – I haven’t read your book, but I’ve watched several interviews and will be ordering it. From what you’ve recounted, it looks like no one is told more than they need to know, which accomplishes two things, viz., 1) that no one can “spill the beans” to any full extent, and 2) since they only participate in a fraction of the event, they can still dupe themselves into thinking that they’re upstanding, innocent patriots. Your story also leaves one wondering why so few will accept it. I think it is because the average person is a power worshiper. He doesn’t love God and country; he fears retaliation and wants to be on the powerful side. Take away the power of his idols and he’d just as soon kill them. Thanks for your courage and love of truth!

    • Thanks Hugh! There’s been a sea-change in support. More people are awake and vigilant than the powers at large would expect. They want answers, and they do recognize the truth when they find it. The govt tried very hard to damage my reputation to the point of utterly destroying me. Miraculously they failed. I can’t believe I survived it. The experience makes me more humble, but also I”m incredibly resilient. I feel the full force of the Universe demands that truth must be known. The greater force that we belong to won’t let this die. I feel it everyday. This next year– 2012– is going to be an extraordinary. All this truth is going to shape the decisions that many of us make.

  18. Mephisto! says:

    Hello Susan. I have just come across your story and and lost for words. Your courage and strength are admirable to say the least. Thank you for being you!

  19. eben rey says:

    Good day,

    Seeking contact information for Susan Lindauer for radio interview on KPFK radio in Los Angeles!

    Please help! Thank you.

  20. Anne Sawyer , adopt a pet coordinator for WJBF says:

    I heard Susan on the local radio station this morning and was astounded to hear her story. I then looked up this website and others. I am looking forward to reading her book, Extreme Prejudice!

  21. I am moved to silence for your personal payment, demanded in so many ways. I am angered at the nature of your experience. I admire your decisions and your commitment to your principles.

    • I am so grateful to Coast to Coast for broadcasting my story! The MSM has aggressively censored information about my case, or otherwise deliberately falsified its report–even when confronted with evidence, witness confirmations and attorneys! They refuse to tell Americans the truth. I am dismayed, and I will keep raising the issues until the public is informed.

  22. Odysseus says:

    Susan, I just finished your book. I thought I had ordered it used from Amazon, but was delighted to find a note from you in the cover, addressed to me by name, which read in part: “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Indeed.

    I consider you an American hero and, as an American, am appalled at what you were made to endure. And your experience is a cautionary tale — or should be — to those turning a blind eye to the ongoing diminution (if not outright elimination) of our Constitutional rights. Each week brings fresh indications that the fully bipartisan “war on terror” is increasingly aimed not at those posing true danger, but at normal citizens who obey the law, pay their taxes, and otherwise support and love their country.

    I hope your book and other work will contribute to the awakening that I think is slowly taking hold in our land and across the globe. If I am correct, this is so in no small part because of the spirit and courage by you and others like you. I am sorry for your suffering and grateful that you made it through whole and fighting. Thanks very much.

    • I would be thrilled if you would go on Amazon & leave a sort review, Odysseus! That would mean a lot to me! We’re fighting to overcome the worst sort of deceptions & corruption. It’s a hard road & there’s lots of opposition to getting the story out!

    • Sylvia Winter says:

      Hi Susan!

      I too am a whistle blower; I wonder whether you are still being reprised against? I was told by a Federal Attorney that I would have difficulty getting a house, job and credit, even though I have good credit, and he told me that I wouldn’t be allowed to go to any film school in the US and that my name was placed on a “registry” because of the information that I have. He told me further that if I didn’t stop telling people what happened to me in Administration Law, that the state of Arizona could have me committed! I’d love to share with you what I’m privy to that is such a terrible national secret.

      I wanted to tell you, that US Marshals (two of them) came to my house and told me that the DOJ is controlling our press, so I’m certain that Amy would have covered your story, but censorship rules would not let her! She is not allowed to tell you that our press is controlled by the DOJ and censored. If she doesn’t follow the rules, she would be terminated in a heartbeat! I have this information on authority! Would we be able to talk or meet some time. I believe all whistle blowers should be united, that would be a force against a tyrannical DOJ… and a way to get our country back from the DOJ! Also, it is interesting that we were born in the same year. I am originally from Germany, and I noticed your name is German too. I have info that would be helpful for you to know, and I have so much of it to tell you. I’ll be the next one going to Carswell, seriously.

      I hope you would reach back out to me. Is there even a way to start a whistleblower’s movement? There is no provision to oppose the establishment, if anyone does, the GOV incriminates or attacks with a “crazy” branding, etc. which you already experienced! Are you being further reprised against? I’d be willing to help you, Susan!

      I’m so sorry you had to go through that treacherous terror by the DOJ and the judiciary! Good people in the law are carrying out criminal policies as part of their jobs, and that concept should be understood. Then people must put there efforts to get freedom back to the US, the country that we love!!!! The DOJ even is telling our President what to do. The President has to follow that DOJ policy. People in general don’t know this though. I was told by authorities and after they told me this they said that this “matter is closed and will be sealed.”

      Thank you for pursuing the true and doing the right thing to inform others! As far as I know there is no one above the DOJ, and they are in charge; that is scary! Again, I have this info on authority! James Trafficant, former Congressman claims as if an authority that Israel is controlling our DOJ and the US as a whole. Please see Greta Van Susteren’s interview with James Trafficant on youtube (part 2 of 3).

      Susan, keep up the good work, I was hoping we could help each other in this somehow! Happy to give you my phone number so we could talk.

      Best wishes!


      • Sylvia Winter says:

        Hi again Susan!

        I noticed some spelling errors and typos with left out commas, etc. Sorry I should have proof read my posting first! Anyway… thanks for reading I hope we can talk soon! My life is marginalized as a result of my being a whistle blower! You really are a hero! Thank you!

        Best wishes!


        • Hi Sylvia, I wasn’t sure if that was a private message! You’re not marginalized as a whistle blower. You’re a painful reminder of their mistakes. Our willingness to speak truth makes us the resistance.

      • Those sorts of threats only work if they persuade us to shut up! Otherwise, I never had trouble refinancing my house OR opening a bank account. I avoid credit cards like the plague for the debts they bring, and I have simplified my life. That has made all the difference to my success. We don’t need the corporate media any longer. I accepted long ago that they’re not working on behalf of the people. They’ve got other masters.

        They did not anticipate that we would create other vehicles for communication. We are running their blockades.
        We’re beating them at this game. They are the losers, because they no longer have us on their side.

  23. DWarner says:

    Hello Susan
    I heard parts of your interview on coast to coast .I am always seekig information since I went to Iraq as a contractor and found out from the boots on the ground that their were WMD’s but alot of those they found were in barrels buried in the desert with some very damaging markings implicating the US intransferring chemical warfare to Iraq durning the Iran Iraq war.Also the cover up of Operation Able Danger from special warfare operators and the way the government tried to railroad the head of this group Colonel Shafer.
    I can’t wait to read your book to add more first hand knowledge .
    With the rise of corporate mercenary groups and people as yourself being imprisoned for speaking out I shiver to think what is next.I was a skeptic at first but the evidence keeps pointing to a very evil presence inside our government that can manufacture a crisis to what ends.This just so unbelieveable that this is the biggest story of anytime since the formation of our country that this has been so bottled up that we as a people just have a hard time fathoming the implications.god help us because we are in deep dodo.

  24. F Gregg Meagher says:

    If, I were Susan, I would not even reply to this message 😦 ‘006’ IN the first place, the sender obviously does not understand Susan’s experience and inate capabilities. In the second place, Susan is one who speaks-out up front with courage; and, it would be s step down wrking with those who live in anonimity 😦

    • Gregg, you have been a fantastic supporter! You have no idea how much I appreciate your words. The “bad guys” outnumber us, and they are prone to abuse their power. I was the first to suffer from the corruption. I will not be the last to face victimization on the Patriot Act. These are scary times!

  25. F Gregg Meagher says:

    My sincerest thanks Susan for your kind words. You are never alone. If I can ever do anything to assist you in your mission; I would, if I could be of help, be honored. As a smal child, my parents, commented ften that I was born for Life’s Sake and Being. My physical history has conformed to that … now very musch so … a Reality.

    I do not, and will never, accept Washington’s stories concerning the Twin Towers. Those who died in the Twins… surrounding the Twins, those who have suffered losses and those who are suffering fromm inherited illnesses and deaths from the same… deserve the TRUTH.

    Corruption within the Government is common knowledge even within the Senate and Congress, the FBI and CiA… and on. The NWO > Trilateral Commission > Bilderberg Group > Upper-echelon Masons… back down and up to the Vatican’s Occult Empire must be stopped for those mentioned above and for Humanity as a whole.

    People like you are True American Heroes fighting for the US Government, which has historically been overtaken and held hostage by those occult entities I Just mentioned. aka Obama must be brought before National and International Courts for violation of the US Government’s definition of “Terrorism”… violation of Human Rights… and proof of his validity to sere as President of the United States of America.

    It is time.
    Best regards,

  26. III says:

    Kudos to you, Susan: your decision to “hide in plain sight,” as it were, is probably the right one…I hope you’ve made provisions to warn those nearest and dearest to you if they need to evacuate ASAP (hint: make sure that it’s to places you know nothing about, because, if you are picked up again, whatever you know, they will too, take it from me…but you probably already realise this, and have taken the appropriate precautions…at least I hope for the sake of all concerned you have!)

    Thank you for keeping ua all in the loop: for our part, we shall endeavour to do likewise. Meanwhile, the offer of an exit door is still very much on the table: it is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it!

    Again my thanks for your efforts: keep up the good work!

    From deep within the Occupy Movement…

  27. F Gregg Meagher says:

    REPLY TO “III says” > When their is ‘Humanity’ at steak there is no room for hiding one self away behind the doors of ‘Anonymity’. The ‘People’ need to see up-front courage, if they are expected to stand-up and follow someone like Susan or anyone else who cares enough about mankind to protect it.

    The ‘James Bonds’ created the situation we are in now. Anonymous is comfortably getting people assassinated, while they hide behind their Halloween masks. Susan should never, and she knows, trust those who offer her the so-called ‘opportunities’ you are doing here. Besides, she can handle herself and her own security, I am certain!

    I sense an attempt here, either to trap Susan into a dark wen; or to profit off of Susan’s respect, stature, and notability. The later approach, I have always personally detested!

    Just my opinion!
    Take care Susan of those who hide in the darkness of ‘mindgames’ 🙂

  28. III says:

    I think I see where your consultations about III are headed: you are admired and respected from many quarters, including this one…yet you’ve had better luck in polling folks about this channel than I’ve had polling people (mostly not through this backchannel) about you! Siiiiigh…

    One of the people I asked about you (not via a III channel) was Cindy Sheehan, a fellow antifascist fighter of yours. Here are her latest tribulations: http://www.news10.net/news/local/article/179994/2/Cindy-Sheehan-No-intention-of-paying-back-taxes . There is nothing covert about her, and, should she need it, the same exit door I’m pointing out to you is quite open to her (had nothing to do with III, I assure you: she opened it herself).

    A couple of other fighters I’d like to pick your brains about:

    1) Julian Assange: the real deal? Or one of your former colleagues?

    2) John Young: Ditto. His site, http://cryptome.org/ , is highly regarded, and he’s been at it for a decade longer than Assange. He’s critical of Assange, but supportive (and if you’ve dropped a few lines on either Wikileaks or Cryptome, neither Assange nor Young would ever voluntarily disclose this).

    Why did I open a III backchannel to you? Like I said, it’s better to have it, and not need it, than need it, and not have it.

    If ever you do feel the need to open a complete III channel, please forward a PGP public key so we can move to a more secure link, and I can familiarise you with the III security suite and procedures: otherwise, take the best care, Susan, the world is a far better place with you in it!

    PS: To F Gregg Meagher: it might help if I knew what you meant when you said: “Anonymous is comfortably getting people assassinated, while they hide behind their Halloween masks:” do you mean those who remain anonymous in general, or the Anonymous hacker collective? My own take on the latter is that they are in the process of reinventing the concept of “Dragon’s Teeth:” a low-intensity, nonviolent alternative that deserves to be taken seriously…contrast this with, for example, the change in tactics of the Mexican EPR/PDPR shortly after they were turned on to “Seven Pillars of Wisdom” and “Long Walk to Freedom” (hence the attacks on the olioductos a few years back.)..but, if I read the propaganda correctly, Anonymous will be among the patsies when NRE2012 goes live: far less damaging than if NRE2010 had on Memorial Day in Las Vegas (to which Sen. Harry Reid may or may not have put a stop), but damaging nonetheless. This is why, on the general tactical question, I’ve counseled the Occupy Movement to consider the standard of the response to the Sharpeville Massacre: ANC was kinda caught on the back foot by that one, and it took a lot for them to get Operation Vula rolling. EPR/PDPR consolidated within a year of the Aguas Blancas massacre, but fell back apart after that. They expanded the “Dragon’s Teeth” target list that had been passed from GRU to DGI to FSLN to FMLN (which is where it was when we passed it on to the Mexican insurgency back in ’82) to include Mexican targets: maybe Anonymous has made all this trouble obsolete, but not before cyber-“Dragon’s Teeth” became a political football which is being hyped far and wide by those who serve the 1%! The concept was well understood in the US intelligence community: so much so that REX-84 concluded that if the US invaded either Nicaragua or El Salvador, something very like “Operation Endgame,” with the accompanying suspension of the Bill of Rights now underway, would be necessary, as every FSLN and/or FMLN fighter would be a potential Dragon’s Tooth. Yours is not the first critique of the masque: back in the day it was a black baclava, now it’s The Guy…and you are way out of your depth, Gregg, if you’re issuing a blanket condemnation of all those who take the veil, as they say…Susan has already paid a heavy price for lifting it, true, the vampire hate the light, but they are a hungry lot, and if they can find a way to feed while Susan is in place, why not open a door thru which they cannot follow? She deserves at least that much!

    • I’m not looking for an exit door. I bet some politicians wish I would take one, so they could hide from voters in the next election & escape their responsibilities again. But that’s not going to happen!

      • Matthew says:

        Dear Ms.Lindauer,

        Hello Susan, I hope that all is well. I have seen and heard interviews that you have given and your story is truly remarkable! Your persistence, courage, and strength are inspiring. I attend school and work in the downtown area a few blocks away from the World Trade Center Site. This was certainly a significant and meaning place for you Susan. Not only did the tragic event of 9/11 take place in this area, this is also where your court cases were held and the unethical and outrageous charges that were pinned against you. Thank God for the integrity of Judge Mukasey and how he handled and respected constitutional law. The stories of the meetings you participated in as an asset were insightful and informative. It never ceases to amaze me how the government and media spin everything into a completely different direction and analysis concerning facts and documentation. The time you spent in Carswell Prison revealed a dark and disturbing side to the Federal Prison system and the corruption of Psychiatric evaluations. God’s love and peace surrounded and defined you during this awful nightmare; and His light shines in and through you Susan. My favorite section of the book, is when you described God’s presence during this difficult time in your life. As someone considering joining the ministry, your release is a testament to the faithfulness of God, and how the Lord will never abandon those who carry out justice and care for others liked you selflessly did for your country and for the world as an intelligence Asset. I hope and pray that I can meet you in person some day, you have bright spirit and cheerful personality. May God continue to bless and prosper you in all that you strive to do. Take care Susan and thank you so very much for your service to me as an American citizen and for our country; I send love and support your way!

        Matthew Garone

    • F Gregg Meagher says:

      Personally, I have no respect for the methods ‘anonymous’ uses at all. They perform in the same manner as those they criticize to include deceipt of the public. As for your ‘secrte agent’ sales pitch here? You blow it out the proverbial “door” you use, just by contacting Susan through a public website 😦 If you cannot find the private entrance, than I question how you culd find a secretive exit…

      In brief, i sense someone lost in a web of self-illusions; or someone playing a game not up to their ‘height’.

      Have a great one!

  29. Jason Mize says:

    Trying to spread the truth by posting videos of your speeches to local FB news pages in my area. I live in the heart of George Bush country (Midland, TX) and it’s very hard. Keep up the good work!

    Jason Mize

    • Thank you, Jason! I just got back from Lebanon! Fantastic trip! Very insightful– A beautiful country & super resilient after almost two decades of war. It’s extraordinary what the human spirit can endure and prevail over. I loved it!

  30. vaughn nebeker says:

    IN being the origeal auther and or inveter of the technology that put out chernobyl. it’s more like account’s recivable.
    $220.0 billion down at a trillion to one odd’s at a dubble and ornuthing that charnobyl would go out.
    chernobyl reacter number 4# did go out. that a win of $887.0 trillion dollars. at 20% percent intreast.
    US DOD set me up for faylior. but unfortionly I won the bet aand or whats calledd a derivitive.
    No it not a CIA account. It nore like the danish crowen Queen secrit service. A Inhardance.

  31. Not seen this observation anywhere: the firefighters radioed from Tower 2: two small pockets of fire and injured civilians – some being brought down. SIX MINUTES LATER demolition commenced. I surmise radio monitors realised the viable state of the building (and lack of plane?) was shortly about to be ‘blown’ by witnesses.

  32. JohnnyA81 says:

    Susan after following some of your interviews on youtube and finding out about your story i am in utter shock and can truly say that you are a true inspiration and have inspired me to seek for more truth. A friend of mine did a report in school with plenty of 9-11 details similar to what you have presented and his professor failed him since he comes from a family with ties to the CIA, he was released from his JC position. I know it has been 11+ years since the inside job took place in New York and i was 13 years of age heading to school when this happened, i may be a bit late on the truth of what has occured but be assured that us as the youth of this country look up to you since i have crossed your story i have shared it with plenty of friends who have also been touched by your story. Thank you for being a strong woman and fighting on, we support you.

    Is the facebook page your official page? i have recently messaged you about support contribution and book purchases, i hope it is and not some random person lol
    thanks susan,


    • I have a personal facebook page, as Susan Lindauer— I’m not aware of any authorized FB page for Extreme Prejudice. I’ve been traveling in Lebanon & Los Angeles, and just got home! It was a fantastic trip— wonderful people in both places, including a Freedom Rally of Ron Paul supporters in Los Angeles. Just tremendous enthusiasm. It gives me hope for what we can do together. To order a copy Extreme Prejudice, please go to Amazon. com. There’s a seller called “True Spy Thrillers.” That’s me! And I will ship you a signed copy of the book.

  33. —SUMMARY—

    The U.S. Constitution makes it the responsibility of the U.S. Congress, “To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces”; Article I, Section 8, Clause 14.

    Underlying the U.S. Congress’s responsibility is the still currently ignored 1994 U.S. Senate Report on 50 years of non-consensual experiments, i.e., “Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans’ Health?” with its reported DOD “military research” “experiments that were designed to harm” conducted on “hundreds of thousands”! Then its, “III. Findings and conclusions”, “K. DOD and DVA have repeatedly failed to provide information and medical followup to those who participate in military research…” plus “N. Participation in military research is rarely included in military medical records, making it impossible to support a veteran’s claim for service-connected disabilities from military research.”[3] This is the needed for medical treatment but experiment identifying evidence!

    For U.S. convicted Rapists and Murderers “Non-consensual experimentation is illegal” [5] vs. the Department of Defense (DOD) “experiments that were designed to harm” [3 & 4] conducted on U.S. SERVICE PERSONNEL as encouraged by the U.S. Supreme Court Feres “incident to service” Doctrine [2 & 7].

    With the U.S. Senate’s 1994 reported past 50 years and a now 18 more years it is 68 years of “Non-consensual experimentation is illegal” on veterans ignored. Thereby, don’t they continue? In 2012 shouldn’t U.S. Service Personnel have the same U.S. Constitutional Rights that convicted rapists and murderers keep?[5] PLEASE HELP by requiring your members in the U.S. Congress to provide U.S. Military Personnel with the same protection from “experiments that were designed to harm” as rapists and murderers and getting others to do the same!


    In the 2002 U.S. Senate Feres Doctrine Hearing [2] the rejection of the underlying experimentation issue is verified by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) “to harm” ignoring testimony. In 1987 the U.S. Supreme Court Stanley DOD non-consensual, experiment was decided.[7] Stanley’s injuring “to harm” LSD drug experiment was classified as a 1950 U. S. Supreme Court Feres Doctrine accidental death by barracks fire “incident to service”![8] This 1958 experiment on Stanley was in direct disobedience of the Secretary of the DOD’s 1953 NO non-consensual experiments order![9] The 1994 U.S. Senate Report stated, “The Feres Doctrine should not be applied for military personnel who are harmed by inappropriate human experimentation when informed consent has not been given.” Stanley is one of the U.S. Senate’s, “hundreds of thousands” of human “experiments that were designed to harm” documented by the Senate [3] and Government Accountability Office (GAO).[4] Millions of service records were destroyed in a 1973 National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) fire, followed by Congress’s 1974 Privacy Act that censored experiment verifying witnesses from any surviving and future records. All consistent with the still U.S. Congress and DOJ overlooked CIA, Inspector Generals 1957 “it was necessary to conceal these activities from the american public in general, because public knowledge of the unethical and illicit activities would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles….”; Stanley Case, PDF version, Section IV, Page 16 of 21, Footnote 4.[7] All of this misplaced evidence underlies the 1994 Court of Veterans Appeals Chief Judge stated, “The court may not review the schedule of ratings for disabilities or the policies underlying the schedule.”[6], i.e., a “Non-consensual experimentation is” NOT “illegal” policy!

    U.S. convicted rapists and murderers are protected from human experiments by the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, Amendment 8. This is demonstrated by the 1992 U.S. Senate signed United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICC PR) “…Article 7 – Freedom from Torture, or Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.”[5] Under the Article 7’s “Basic Rights of Prisoners.” is, “Written policy and practice prohibit the use of inmates for medical…experiments.” and “Non-consensual experimentation is illegal”! Nineteen (19) times cited is the U.S. Constitution plus its 8th Amendment’s no cruel and unusual punishment.[5] On May 23, 2011 the U.S. Supreme Court decided that crowded prisons put rapists and murderers in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s, Bill of Rights, Eighth Amendment no cruel and unusual punishments, i.e., Brown v. Plata (09-1233).

    In 2012 still not prohibited are the U.S. Senate’s 1994 reported 50 years of DOD “military research” “experiments that were designed to harm” conducted on “hundreds of thousands”![3] The to-date continuation of experiments on U.S. Service Personal is illustrated by the withheld needed for treatment but “designed to harm” [3] identifying evidence, e.g., the U.S. Congress’s EIGHT (8) times from 1999 to-date rejection of the “Veterans Right to Know Act” [1]. Each DOD “military research” “experiments that were designed to harm” Project completes the Research and Development (R&D) process. The prior lessons learned are reviewed. The then DOD Scope of Work (SOW) [10] defines what the experiment is “designed” to do. The how, where, when and who is identified. The conducted researched cause and effects are closely followed with ongoing progress reports. From the results are developed safe production, use, the needed for treatment and protection. Accordingly, then known are the project resultant disabilities with their withheld identifying cause and effects.

    REFERENCES:>>>[1] The “Veterans Right to Know Act” was proposed by H.R. 3256, 1999; S. 2953, 2000; H.R. 511, 2001; S. 405, 2001; H.R. 5060, 2002; S. 2704, 2002; H.R. 4259, 2005 and H.R. 2434, 2007.>>>[2] “THE FERES DOCTRINE: AN EXAMINATION…..” http://www.access.gpo.gov/congress/senate/pdf/107hrg/88833.pdf >>>[3] December 8, 1994 REPORT 103-97 “Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans’ Health?….” Hearings Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, 103rd Congress 2ND Session.>>>[4] GAO September 28, 1994 “Human Experimentation Overview….” T-NSIAD-94-266 archive.gao.gov/t2pbat2/152601.pdf >>>[5] U.S. State Dept., “U.S. Report under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights July 1994, Article 7 – Freedom from Torture, or Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.” “1994 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” Index of “Treaties and Legal Issues” || Electronic Research Collections Index || ERC Homepage>>>[6] “STATE OF COURT, CHIEF JUDGE FRANK Q. NEBEKER, STATE OF THE COURT,…TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF VETERANS APPEALS THIRD JUDICIAL CONFERENCE, OCTOBER 17-18, 1994>>>[7] U.S. SUPREME COURT, JUNE 25, 1987, U.S. V. STANLEY , 107 S. CT.. 3054 (VOLUME 483 U.S., SECTION 669, PAGES 699 TO 710). http://supreme.justia.com/us/483/669/ case.html>>>[8] Feres v. United States, 340 U.S. 135, 146 (1950).>>>[9] Pages. 343-345: “The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code; Human Rights in Human Experimentation” George J. Annas and Michael A. Grodin (N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1992).>>>[10] DOD STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) http://www.saic.com/contractcenter/ites-2s/documents/DODhandbook.pdf

  34. David says:

    Do i get a sign copy when i order on amazon? 🙂 Ive been watching all of your lectures(or at least more than 2 hours material)… i like you a lot! i think you have a wonderful personality, I think you are a marvelous, glorious, hero! The truth shall always be known, Thats how its always been, the truth always wins, Everything they kept secret 50 years ago is known today, Secrets are meant to be exploit for everyone sooner or later – and thats been proved over and over again :). i can’t say enough of how much i adore you! And i have complete confident that you will be known and recognized as a hero in the future for doing what you are doing. The world is waking up!! And it is happening, really fast!

    With appreciation / David (Sweden)

    • Some day, David! Some day!

      If you’re in America, I would be delighted to send you a signed copy of Extreme Prejudice! Look for True Spy Thrillers on Amazon Marketplace. We’re challenging all of the garbage the world govts have been feeding the public. It’s a big movement, and all of us are part of it together. The truth survives, and finally prevails, because the people demand it, and refuse to accommodate the deceptions. And so finally it breaks through all the media guards. They’re defeated by corruption, because we see what they are, though they foolishly hoped we would be blind. They will not speak truth. Very well, we shall not listen to their words.

      • David says:

        Yes, Its amazing how -despite their effort they never kept a secret very well, i think media is bringing themselves down due to fabricated storie ‘s(like fox reporting with false footage of a riot in greece if im remembering right) and that was talked about all over the world in the major newspapers. News of the world was shut down, Due to that the truth came out about them, So they know that the people have the power to do so to every news organization, Because there is plenty of options for people. People sure are demanding the truth! And the govt is not good at covering up anything at all. The meat industrys “pink slime” wich is a major, major, major player in the meat industry was Shut down because people protested against it. The truth is out there! Just recently i found out about hospitals birth center vs natural birth, And hospitals is a industry and unnatural, Everything you possibly could imagine about hidden secrets are bubbling up to the surface, Like the hurricane katrina, the real history and evidence of humans origin, Roswell, food industry etc. And these are hard bullet proof truths!

        It isnt about if anymore, its about when, When will the truth be available for the major public. Its just about when now. Because of history we have learned that the truth always prevails, it survives. And i do believe that in the future they will see our time as the time when governments used to lie to their people, lie about everything, poorly, But the governments was blinded by their own greed etc, so they did a really poor job of keeping their mask up. And the impossible is possible! Just look at wiki leaks, everybody talked about it, it was all over the news about america, And Julian Assange is feautured in a the simpsons episode, The world really hasnt been the same as before wiki leaks! People are more questioning. And it proves that they are not bullet proof, Hacking groups even managed to shut down c.i.a´s website!. People is demanding the truth, And the truth is slowly but steady coming up to the surface 🙂 even swedens government makes a poor job of keeping the truth about them away from the public, That the “king” been involved with some sorts of prostitute girls, or having done a weapon deal with saudiarabia, And hes reputation was hitted hard in this country, The evidence of that the truth is always winning is breath taking, It seems like a “law of the universe” type of thing 🙂

        i live in Sweden :(.. But i would love to come to america one day, Im just so scared of flying over the whole atlantic sea 🙂 I found you on amazon! Do you ship to sweden? or that might be to expensive for you, So i can happily buy it direct from amazon to 🙂 i have a old time friend in america, We went to school together here in sweden for 1 year and became great friends, hes parents were here for science researching, and this was about the same year 9 11 struck! i was young and didnt understand the world like i do today, but i remember that hes dad was crying over the computer looking at videoclip when it struck down. It was so horrible. i still remember the day when we all sat in the classroom looking at the news like we always did in the morning, And the towers went down, i did not understand back then, what really happened, i was 11, But i could really feel everybody goes “what happened!?”. Or “how could this happened?”. That was the real question, “HOW could this happened?”

        Thank you for speaking for the truth Susan, You truly are the truth keeping goddess! 🙂

  35. Hello Susan,
    I wanted to share my experience with you re: your story.
    After I posted your story and about conspiracy theories in general (a term I hate), somebody came to my site and accused me of deliberately spreading disinformation. It was so strange because I tried to be as fair as possible but apparently since I admitted that I was not entirely convinced that the WTC was rigged with explosives, this person accused me of being being some kind of secret agent trying to “muddy the waters.” I actually said that I was willing to keep an open mind of the subject and needed to see more evidence. I never said that I thought people were wrong to believe the detonation idea or anything.
    This person then went on Twitter and told people I was spreading lies about 911. (He also tweeted other things about other unrelated posts.. Lies! Lies, he said.)

    It is unfortunate because it is people like that who demand others believe and refuse to accept any doubt whatsoever that are exactly like the people who believe that there was no conspiracy at all. I am learning more and more about the back story of 911 every day but I do not want to be forced to accept anything until I myself have have time to make my own decision.

    One thing I appreciated- and I mentioned this in the post- how careful you were to distinguish what you knew to be true from what you believed to be.
    In any case, I thought you would find my experience interesting. Compared to what you went through, it’s nothing, I know.

    Thanks for leaving a comment at my blog and hope to see you there again real soon. I’ve added your blog to my blog roll and I hope it helps.
    Take care, Nomad.

    • Pay attention, 9/11 truthers! Attacks alienate others from our cause– There’s so much we know– and so much we don’t. We need each other! Another thing– 9/11 was like a magician’s trick. The airplane hijackings were a sleight of hand, all eyes focused on the left, while the real action was taking place on the right. That’s an important element of the story. Don’t dismiss it, just because it’s not the full story!

  36. Mark Murata says:

    Just saw a video of you on Youtube. Heard you say how disappointed you were in Amy Goodman because she refused to help you.

    I am a U.S. citizen who the U.S. government is torturing in an effort to suppress the truth. Will you help me?

    Mark Murata

    • First of all, I was a recognizable individual. I was under indictment as an Iraqi Agent with witnesses anxious to confirm my status as a U.S. Asset who negotiated the Lockerbie Trial and warned about 9/11. I was locked in prison on a military base, fighting for the most basic right to a hearing— per the Constitution of the United States. We asked Amy Goodman to interview the witnesses to confirm my story, and report on the Feds refusal to give me a trial or hearing, while locking me in prison. The Bureau of Prisons & U.S. Attorney’s office in New York also demanded permission to forcibly drug me— a form of torture– so that I could be cured of knowing what my friends and I had the capability to prove to that damn bitch, Amy Goodman, was factually true.

      Miss Goody Two Shoes said it didn’t matter– the peace option in Iraq, the 9/11 warnings, locking the Chief Asset covering Iraq at the U.N. in prison on a military base— “Oh well, Maybe it’s for the best..”

      So how is the U.S. govt torturing you? If you’re locked in prison, I”m glad to see you can get to the internet. I never had that option. I would have been in Seventh Heaven.

      • Mark Murata says:

        I am a victim of the government’s mind control programs. It’s a long story (which I can provide to you if you are interested). The short version is the government has been getting me to post classified information on the Internet in an effort to pressure other governments. The following is a pretty good summary of what has been happening to people like me:


        In my case, in or around say 2002, I got into a dispute with my boss and I helped get him fired. Subsequently, the U.S. government made me believe that he held a vendetta against me and was doing all sorts of things to make my life miserable. Then starting in about 2008, during the presidential election, the government started using its mind control techniques to have me post various things on the Internet. Initially, I posted some propaganda which actually argued for the election of Obama. Obviously, I really regret doing that now. After that, the government had me post information embarrassing to the Chinese government in an effort to get them to do whatever the U.S. government wanted them to do (e.g. strengthen the yuan, lower tariffs, remove capital controls, etc.).

        FYI: Having had a lot of experience being mind controlled, I am willing to bet that the U.S. government made you write that (sort of) angry response which means, not surprisingly, that you are a victim of the government’s mind control program too.

        Mark Murata

    • Amy Goodman should stop calling her show, “Democracy Now–” until such time as she actually starts defending the principles and traditions of democracy itself. She’s disgraced herself.

  37. Zechia says:

    Susan, you deserve the best thing the world can offer any people. You are very courageous. Please, spread this conspiracies. The world is in ruins due to this. How can your campaign be heard over the world. Can you stage a global movement for that and gain our support. I think 99% of the world will follow, keeping out the 1% world muggers.

    Three most important thinking of mine are:

    -The lives of those living around the war-torn zones, the innocent victims’ blood, suffering, misery
    -Since no one/power/empire can top the league forever, what will be the fate of America when it is not more a “supper power”. Who are future friends/allies of America and how is America sure of them?

    -When shall Americans make out the truth about the orchestrated mainstream media conspiracies? Arabs have been inflicted pains, divided, labeled all sorts of names. Africans and Asians have been denied progress. Finally, how does America see the world in the century?
    Susan, those who call you a political prisoner or traitor have no conscience and will only regain it when it will be late

  38. Todd Comber says:

    Dear Ms. Lindauer,

    After watching your youtube presentation I feel compelled to write and say how much I admire your tenacity for doing what is right. If more people would just pay attention to what ‘truly’ is happening around them instead of what some celebrity is wearing on what show or some other fake propaganda or lame stream media writings, We would be a much better Country.

    Having 40 some odd years of aviation experience I for one, never believed the 9/11 “official” reports.

    You unequivocally present information that was always suspicious in my minds understanding of the real facts and not the conjecture from the government dweebs.

    Thank you for your dedication to the cause. I truly am embarrassed and ashamed of what this so called leadership in OUR country has put you through.

    I plan on purchasing your book but would like to get an autographed copy if you would be so kind as to direct me on proper procedure.

    Someday I will get my story completed and published. Though it is not as compelling as yours it still needs to be told.

    A True Patriot to the end.

    Very Truly Yours in Freedom,

    Todd Comber

    • Many thanks, Todd! I would be honored to sign a copy of Extreme Prejudice for you! On Amazon, signed copies are available through “True Spy Thrillers.” And I will be happy to send one right away!

      • Todd says:

        Thanks, I just purchased it through amazon, but not sure if it will get autographed. as there was no indication on how to do it.:( sorry it took me so long but I had a stay in hospital and just getting back on my feet. Thanks for trying though. And God Bless You and All the rest of us.

        • An autographed copy is available on Amazon through True Spy Thrillers. I’d be happy to send it to you! Hope you recover from your hospital stay!

          • Todd says:

            Thanks Susan, that is how I tried to purchase it. But not sure if it went through correctly. Guess We’ll wait and see how it comes and then go from there. Thanks, Todd

  39. Michael Talbot says:

    Dear Ms. Lindauer

    I may never have the privilege of meeting you in person – so I just hope that you get to read my message.

    I think you are the bravest woman I have ever come across. You have the most amazing strength of character to stand up to those in power who seek to undermine all of us. I am simply blown away by your courage. Your book throws a very bright light on what is really going on with the shadow government and it is through people like you, that we will eventually win.

    Keep up your spirits and thank you for setting such a wonderful example of non-compliance to thugs and tyrants. Those of us who are still asleep, need to wake up otherwise, these criminals will win. The thing we all need to remember is that they are few and we are many.

    Michael Talbot

  40. hariprem says:

    Beloved Susan…
    Only now I became aware of your story….
    I feel immense gratitude that you have stood up for truth…
    Humanity needs to wake up to the truth, howsoever shocking it might be…
    You are a wake up call to the whole world…
    It is high time to come out from thousands of years of slavery,
    It is time to throw the chains, and have the courage to live in freedom…
    This call is for every single human being!
    in love and light

  41. Jess says:

    Ms Lindauer I’m a late comer to your civic efforts (which I laud) and the night of terror you endured. I’m sure there are far too many aftershocks still from it. I was profoundly moved by your trials while incarcerated and your losses. As much as that is, also the courage and good spirit you show to the world and the determination to “not let the bastards wear you down.” People like you who carry on thru all manner of travail have always been a light for me. We don’t really need any SuperHeros to save us in this world; just more heros like you to help the rest of us get focused. If it is not presumptuous of me I would like to share a similar story with you privately. Your efforts are treasured more than can be expressed. Thank You.

    • I just returned from the Vancouver Hearings on 9/11, organized by the indomitable Jim Fetzer, a hero of my own! I am so touched by your praise. Sometimes it’s bewildering, because I endured so much alone. There was really no choice, but to prevail. They tried so hard to kill me off. If I stopped fighting to survive, I would have to die. By their actions, my enemies made it impossible for me to stop. But it was a very, very, very lonely sojourn in the wilderness. I was humbled by how small I was against such a backdrop.

  42. Lawrence says:

    Hi Susan, sorry, I tried to post a comment earlier but it didn’t look like it went through. If it did just ignore this one.

    I wanted to ask you if you saw my email to you on 6/20, which contained Ed’s phone number. He is waiting for you to call him to set up the venues, etc. If you didn’t get my email please let me know and I’ll write you again. Also, if you rather have his email address let me know too.

  43. Zezoo says:

    It is amazing to know that there are people like Susan who really fight for the truth to be exposed, But i just have one thing to say.
    Susan you said you do not like to talk about something you do not know yet in CIA whistle Blower video you start talking about the Gaddafi ruling and how he gave the women there rights in the other hand you address the people who want to take that a way as an Islamic people. I do not know Gaddafi way of ruling and what he did but i do know Islam and all it’s teaching and i never found anything from what you said in Islam rather all what you said about how Gaddafi rule is actually the real Islam and nothing else, Moreover i never found a system in the world whether it is a religion or constitution which gives the women and upgrade her status like Islam, You can not judge the car from the driver it is just unfair. So you at least must distinguish between Muslims and Islam in each society there is a black sheep and Muslim society is not different. They have a lot of none practicing Muslims who do not know what Islam is, So i think it is fair enough to explain this point in more detail in your video because a person like you is a model of honesty and freedom and people will take what you said sometime as granted.
    Thank you so much for your effort and time that you devoted to fight for freedom i really admire you.

  44. giuliana says:

    Can I give you a big hug lady? I am a motion graphics designer and I can offer you free animated promotional material for your book.

  45. Todd says:

    Hi Susan,
    Got my order from Amazon today, but sadly no autograph on your book. I searched on spy thrillers as you directed found it but something went amiss.

    Thanks anyways,
    Best of Luck in the Tumultuous Future with events that are unfolding.
    Patriot to the end,

  46. Todd says:

    No, Todd Comber 448 Edgewood Road Venice Fl. 34293-2720 I believe that the link or search for True spy thrillers on amazon was messed up as I had to search thru about 5 pages before finding EP.
    Thanks Susan, I ordered also, Planes without passengers, and the Big Bamboozle as I am a commercial pilot and saw right thru the hoax. Besides having been involved with radio controlled aircraft models since 1975. Oh, we share so much knowledge. It would be great to have a mind dump session with you sometime. Stay safe my friend

  47. Shalom goldberg says:

    Susan, I just bought your book and have read 3 chapters so far. Truly amazing stuff. I have deep respect for you. I just wanted to point out I think there is a typographical error: On page 44, beginning on the first line, reads: “In May 2004, he proposed that my apparently uncanny ability to filter counter-terrorism scenarios, and my steadfast opposition to war and sanctions, might find application in real politics in the Middle East. Very cautiously, he floated the idea that I might approach Libyan diplomats at the UN about starting talks for the Lockerbie trial”.

    It seems to me that this would be May of 1994 and NOT 2004.

    What do you think?

  48. Matt says:

    I’ve been asking the Harvard Coop to order me a copy of ‘Extreme Prejudice’, and I’m bewildered by the various explanations they give for not ordering it. Evidently someone of higher authority has instructed them not to. This is censorship! I will however keep inquiring in hopes that they eventually relent. I very much look forward to reading it. In the meantime, Fletcher Prouty’s ‘JFK’ is another damning testament to corruption at the highest level of U.S.Government.

    • Many thanks for your efforts! I’m speaking at the Congressional Church in Harvard Square on October 2 at 7pm! Hopefully that will force the issue, and break the silence barrier!

      • Robert Norton Cable says:

        I was one of those privileged to hear you at “First Church–Congregational” near Harvard Square on October 2nd. (Your Freudian slip of “Congressional Church” is very apt! As David Ray Griffin has written, the real religion of the USA today is nationalism. Your presentation was compelling! Among other things, you remarked that you “used to be very serious.”

        As I told you, at the microphone, your current ebullience and occasional giggle, together with your unsassuming, next-door-neighbor demeanor, made me dubious when I first saw your YouTube lectures; but the Oct. 2nd talk ended my scepticism. Your government trial– metaphorical, unfortunately, and not literal–evidently has left you with a strong sense of the absurd, to which laughter is a natural response.

        You are in my pantheon of genuine American heroes/heroine, Susan.. Your ordeal, which might have killed you, has made you stronger instead. Were you not an American citizen from a “good” family, you might have sufffered the fate of Aafia Sidiqi.

        I bid you a hearty FARE WELL, Susan, as you struggle to awake our citizenry from its sleep. May God continue to bless and to protect you!

        Bob Cable, member GBA911T&J

        • I had a fabulous time! The audience was fantastic and knowledgeable, so sharp! It was my pleasure. really I hope that I get invited back. The anti-war movement urgently needs to understand how false flag terrorism is creating phony justifications for conflict. 9/11 was a tragedy that we must never allow to happen again!

  49. Omom says:

    Thank you for speaking out, Susan. You are a real patriot and represent the real American spirit. I’m sorry for your ordeal and I’m scared for the rest of us if we can’t find a united voice to say, “NO MORE PATRIOT ACT!” PLEASE continue waking people up. You are making a difference. Fight on!

  50. Daniel Leach says:

    I am only sorry that I have not know about your story sooner! Thank You for all that you have done and all that you have gone through for our world. One day when you stand before God you will be reworded for your diligence and faith! As you know the struggles in this world are not over but just getting started, I would like you to know that you have a new fan! Also I am a blogger and a Political activist, as so being Id like to do a interview with you for my blog and YouTube page to help get your story out to as many people as we can. I am going to Blog about your book and put links on our books page! I know that people will see this story on my blog! Again Thank you so much for all that you have done!
    PS Let me know if you would be interested in doing a interview with us!
    Your Patriot Brother Daniel J Leach JR

    • I would love to come on your radio/youtube page— It’s been a rough road, and I feel like a Phoenix rising out of the fire and ashes of my life. Something extraordinary is up ahead. I can feel it! I’m not done yet! please contact me at slindauer2008@yahoo.com and we’ll set up time for an interview

  51. Henry Isham says:

    Susan, An incredible story & I liked your inscription. I had a few questions/comments. Your opinion of Judge Mukasy in a recent radio broadcast seemed quite different from the one expressed in your book. What changed? Assuming an inside job, do you “hear things”? Are there other sources you’d recommend? Ex. transponders being turned off in radar dead zones. Final thought, again assuming, would GWB & Co. want sources of Alqida (sp.?) funding known?

  52. lynn bradbury says:

    not sure about what ‘great advice’ wardrobe-wise was given for which you were grateful!! but, i thought you looked great in the red dress/suit, with the vase of flowers! in the youtube video-some west coast church. i always link folks to that video, with advice to ‘skip the introducing person’ as i’ve seen others do. thanks for all your noble effort. just received my signed copy . did you see the great review a while back at phibetaiota? the writer had some good comments. http://www.phibetaiota.net/2011/10/review-extreme-prejudice-the-terrifying-story-of-the-patriot-act-and-the-cover-ups-of-911-and-iraq-the-ultimate-conspiracy-to-silence-the-truth/

    some have expressed dismay to me that you’ve been on kevin barret and your association with fetzer, but i imagine being ‘tied up’ for many years took you out of ability to exercise certain discriminatory powers with regard to idiosyncrasies of various public personae. and the choices are not endless which will air your brave story. i would just beware the intentions of some who might have ulterior motives to align yours with very bizarre ones in order to tar yours with disbelief and dismissal. lynn bradbury

    • I’m happy to share my story with anybody who will listen! I have no special affiliations with any group, but open myself to all— I am so grateful for the support and enthusiasm of Awake People after my horrific ordeal.

  53. VMTAnkara says:

    Dear Susan,

    I recently received your great fact filled book and I must say that I am utterly disgusted with the treacherous way our government treated you and what you had to endure due to our elected representatives’ tyranny. You are my hero and you will live forever as one of our nation’s true patriots. Your book is definitely an eye opener and I have been recommending it to all I come in contact with, friends, relatives and members of our military at the overseas base where I currently work as a contractor. I plan to provide a copy of your book to President Obama, my Virginia Senators and my 8th District Congressman as a Christmas present. I also plan to provide a copy to Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O’Donnell and Chris Hayes and request that they interview you on their MSNBC Shows. Your story is one that all Americans need to know regardless of their political stripes. I have served over 23 years in the U.S. Navy to protect and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and this Patriot Act, along with the FISA and NDAA, goes against everything I swore an oath to defend and protect.

    I also want to thank you for autographing my book which came as a very pleasant and unexpected surprise. I was a bit puzzled by your closing statement “Hope you’ll support Oath Keepers!, so I went to their website and I didn’t particularly like what I read. I bounced it off Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today.com, which is where I learned about your book, and he stated that the Oath Keepers is no longer what it use to be, now that they have been taken over by the Tea Party crowd. Never-the-less, thank for the autograph.

  54. VMTAnkara says:

    Dear Susan,
    I just want to thank you once again for having the courage to write “Extreme Prejudice” and making it available to all who want to learn the truth about what happened prior, during and after 9/11 and the terrible price you had to pay. Your book is definitely an eye opener and I have strongly recommended it to anyone I come in contact with. I have also read Christopher Bollyn’s intensely researched in-depth book “Solveing 9/11: The Deception That Changed the World” which I have also been promoting via numerous blog comments I have made in the Huffington Post, Military.com and others. I am currently preparing to read the following four books before New Year’s Eve, namely:

    1. Planes Without Passengers: The Fake Hijackings of 9/11 by Dean T. Hartwell;
    2. The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror by Philip Marshall;
    3. Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory by David Ray Griffin; and,
    4. 9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed by David Ray Griffin.

    I regularly visit the websites of AE911Truth.org, Scholarsfor911Truth.org and Pilotsfor911Truth.org for updates and I have read just about every article regarding 9/11 posted on VeteransToday.com. My other heros in matters regarding 9/11 are Jim Fetzer, Joshua Blakeney, Kevin Barrett, David Ray Griffin, Allen Roland and Gordon Duff.

    I strongly feel that every American should know who the real enemy of America is and they should be organizing massive protests in front of the Department of Justice demanding justice for the numerous horrific crimes that have been committed by these Zionist and Zionist lapdogs while our Attorney General is fast asleep at the helm. These Zionist and Zionist treasonous lapdogs have infiltrated our local, state and federal government, placing themselves in key powerful positions including within the White House, FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, TSA, DOJ, the Pentagon, Federal Reserve and local law enforcement. That is why I have drafted a petition via Change.org to President Obama asking him to fire Attorney General Eric Holder for his failure to do the job he was appointed to do and for his failure to abide by his Oath of Office. Below is a link to my petition which details why President Obama should fire Eric Holder. I just hope that anyone who reads this comment takes the time to read my petition and considers signing it. Some how some way we must ensure that those responsible for protecting and defending our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, do so to the letter of the law.


    Again, thank you for your exemplary courage and steadfast dedication and allegiance to our democracy, constitition and our nation. You will forever live in the history books as a true patriot.

    Warm regards,

    Victor M. Trinidad
    YNC, U.S. Navy, Retired

    • Dear Victor, Thank you so much for supporting my cause and Truth itself. I am so gratified to witness how many Americans continue to see past government deceptions, and to demand accountability from our leadership. In that, I see hope for our future. We’re not nearly as stupid as they hoped. Nor have we forgotten, as they expected. That in itself is cause for celebration. All of us are enduring and tenacious in our quest. Ultimately, because of those qualities, I am convinced we are going to prevail.

  55. NashvilleNoel says:

    Miss Lindauer, I am currently reading your book. I am one of the fortunate few million who was witnessed first-hand the WTC attack. I use the term “fortunate” because it was a wake up call to me. I remember running down the streets of NYC that September morning with a feeling of less anger at the attackers, but more or less wondering how bad is the American foreign policy that these people feel the need to get our attention by creating this attack! I don’t feel most Americans realize how traumatic war is and how it should be the ultimate last defensive resort. Even though it happened on our soil, seeing destruction first hand and having fear of dying at that moment is completely different than watching the attack on TV. That experience had led me on a 10 year crusade with truth, awareness and re-education on what it means to be a positive contributor of this great society of ours. I just want to say thanks! Your book solidifies that this path I have chosen is the right path. Your story gives courage to Americans who just cant quietly sit by and just work their shitty job and pay their shitty bills. I do have a question on some facts of your book? I don’t know if I missed it in the book or maybe you reveal it later in the book(only on Chpt. 3) but at the beginning of Chpt. 3, you talk about being at the National Press Club lunch for Hanan Ashrawi where you wanted to inform the diplomat about having info regarding a possible terrorist? My question is? How did you know the terrorist? How did you obtain crucial information at such a crucial time? Any response to this inquiry would be greatly appreciated!
    Sincerely, Noel

  56. Greg Maisonville says:

    Hi Susan. Sorry about all your injustices> I just realized I have been criminalized under the “un”patriot act also, thank god to not your extreme.I divorced a woman who’s uncle, Jerry Petrucca, is an oakland county sherriff. Through mere dislikes and differrences of opinion, I am now scapegoated and harrassed in my own home town. I have never been convicted of a crime since a dui in 93, yet am followed and harrassed daily. Is there a club or orginization that can offer help. If this message even gets to you, respectfully, Greg

    • Dear Greg,
      I’m afraid there’s not a formal club for people persecuted on the Patriot Act. I urge you to connect on the blogs to like minded individuals. Turn on Internet radio for sharing ideas. If it’s any comfort, my neighbors harass me, too. Some of the nastiest people are those who claim to be specially virtuous. We live in a society of conformity. Those people tend to band together, but if you dig a little on the internet, you’ll find friend & kin close by, closer even than you expect.

  57. Phillip says:

    Hi Susan, I don’t use facebook, how may I send a single a4 page to you ?
    Thanks, john P. Williams

  58. Sharon Dee says:

    I saw your interview on Minneapolis public television. I am going to buy your book. I too am a whistle blower…was dragged through hell for over three years because of it. I will never be able to trust my country again…from city government, county government, and on. And there is no justice for us, as there are too many in on the game. Thank you for your truths.

    • Minneapolis/St Paul was a fantastic audience! Everybody was so knowledgeable about these issues & problems. I was so impressed– You’re really good people!

    • as says:

      We should form a support group. I’m not kidding. I was an accidental whistleblower. Had no idea that what I was saying on a blog was so dangerous. Five years now and more and more slander and injustice. I still believe justice will come to all of us. Take care Sharon Dee.

  59. Hello Susan,
    please contact Dr. Friedrich Weinberger in Germany. He wants to talk to you about ethic in psychiatry. Dr. Friedrich Weinberger is the frontman of the Society for Ethics in Psychiatry, look here: http://www.psychiatrie-und-ethik.de/wpgepen/?page_id=23
    He is speaking english. He will enjoy your call to talk to you about your experience

  60. Donna says:

    Dear Susan:

    I have just finished listening to a speech/Q&A you gave (and forgive me it is on youtube and I am not quite sure where you appeared) and I am near to tears over the personal anguish you have suffered and the hardship you have endured for simply telling the truth.

    My condolences on the loss of your partner who fought so bravely to secure your release.

    Thank you for having the courage to speak out.

    Many of us who have tried, very hard, to inform family and friends about the truth on 911 have been verbally attacked as conspiracy theorists and our characters called into question for daring to speak truth to power. (It is truly amazing how many Americans do not want the truth or refuse to believe their government is capable of such criminal actions, in spite of the insurmountable evidence supporting such contentions.)

    I am going to share your story with as many people as I can. If they will not listen to me and others like me, perhaps they will listen to you.

    I wish you the very best in all things. Stay strong.

    Kind regards-Donna Volatile

  61. Michael meredith says:

    I never knew all of this about susan

  62. sfarmer76 says:

    Susan, I fixed your author information at GoodReads.com. Contact GoodReads.com directly to change anything. @sfarmer76

    • Hey fantastic! That’s very kind of you! Probably those guys pulled off Wikipedia— which has sorely distorted my story & invented all sorts of mischievous lies about me. They refuse to accept corrections! Glad for your help!

  63. as says:

    Ms Lindauer,
    I would like to talk to you. Something similar has been occurring with misdemeanor defendants in LA. I am writing my story, but in the meantime: Please, google Melissa Balin and then her name and Judge Henry Barela. Stalin is the role model for the justice system in L.A Virginia too. Brandon Raub. Even if it’s a non violent misdemeanor. Also google Francisco Velarde, Dr. Kaushal Sharma and read about how they want those who won’t plea when innocent– forcibly medicated. please contact me at the email address if you can.

  64. Djaman says:

    Dear Susan,

    I was very impressed by your testimony and your courage. I arrived to your blog a bit by random (to tell you I’m french! :D). It’s unbelievable how geopolitics can only take sense by cynical motivations… It’s really sad! I dream that the whole truth appears, I dream that one day M. Bush, M. Cheney and M. Rumsfeld will be judged in La Haye, I dream that one day we make a real BIG REVOLUTION (Occupy Wall Street, Indignados, Altermondialistes, révolutionnaires arabes, brésiliens, chinois, indiens, russes, européens, américains…) all over the world to insure that any kid has the same right everywhere to be loved, to eat, to get care, to learn and to dream… I dream that we limit the incomes into a reasonable range, i.e. between 500 euros to 3000 euros per person depending of what you do and not more! I dream that one day we build a global life income (“revenue de vie” in french) . YES I DREAM and I believe that it’s possible. It’s POSSIBLE because we are now many, yes really MANY (i.e. all over the world) to understand that we feed a global synarchy and that it must stop. NOW!

    Some called it “Le Grand Soir”… but it was just a human aspiration.

    Courage dans vos combats et amitiés sincères.

    PS: I also dream that my country (i.e. France or yours, why not after all?) will offer the political “asile” to Edward Snowden.

  65. […] following article is from the blog of Susan Lindauer, former federal government Intelligence asset—much maligned whistleblower at ‘Extreme […]

  66. […] following article is from the blog of Susan Lindauer, former federal government Intelligence asset—much maligned whistleblower at ‘Extreme […]

  67. […] following article is from the blog of Susan Lindauer, former federal government Intelligence asset—much maligned whistleblower at ‘Extreme […]

  68. Ahmad says:

    Thank you very much for getting the truth out:))

  69. Bob Cable says:

    Hi, Susan. It’s great to see you in Massimo Maccuzzo’s super new documentary, “September 11 and the New Pearl Harbor.” Sooner or later, MOST people will realize that “the official story” of 9/11 is b.s. and that some diabolical traitors–not just incompetents–are U.S. government employees.

  70. Steve says:

    Our book club will discuss your book March 2. You happen to be in Jacksonville, FL then it would be great if you could show up.

  71. bluerailroad says:

    You are a true American hero. Thank you for your bravery. You help us to understand what happened – and also why. Thank you forever.

  72. […] one of the first non-Arab Americans arrested on the Patriot Act as an “Iraqi Agent”. (her blog) She was accused of warning her second cousin, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and Secretary […]

  73. Matthew Garone says:

    Dear Ms.Lindauer,

    Greetings Ms.Lindauer I hope that all is well! Thank you so much for all that you have done for freedom, liberty, and for humanity. Ms.Lindauer, you are a shining light that is illuminating the hearts and minds of those in the dark. This is an important link and something you should see:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfRtbIQ1kTw. God bless and be with you always Ms.Lindauer!

  74. Jancee says:

    I lent this book to a new friend, she wanted to read it but she is right wing. She did not like the ending……

  75. Thomas Golley says:

    Dear Susan,

    Thank you so much for writing this book.I first heard about your story when I saw some of your speeches posted on YouTube and ordered your book immediately. I would’ve bought it in person but it isn’t the type of book one finds at WHSmith! I have only just started reading it but I am already moved so much by the candour contained within. Like many people in the UK, given the scale of what happened on 9/11, I was too blinded by emotion at the shear loss of life to use my faculties of objectivity and see things for what they really were. It still makes me sad to this day as it has only raised the amount of racism and xenophobia over here. I only hope one day you might be able to speak publicly in the UK, too. I think a large number of people would be receptive to your message and, given it’s the type of story the BBC forbids us from accessing, it’s one that many may never hear. Our current PM is even trying to create legislation to prevent discussion of this on the internet, calling us skeptics “non-violent extremists”. Anyway, sorry for the rant and God bless

  76. Milan S. says:

    Seems tour friend would rather see her killed by the US legal sytem…………………

  77. Deanna says:

    Susan, I really did not know of your being arrested per the Patriot Act; I can acknowledge the facts about Washington knowing about the Terrorists plans. What I don’t understand is why the CIA asked the FBI to stand down from an investigation into these terrorist that the investigators had in their reach, which were those who hijacked those planes and caused the grief. I know these things because I happened to catch a documentary on the History channel and the people were the actual FBI Director and Agents telling the story. Why was nothing done about this? I’m a bit afraid that these people “whomever they are” can make decisions that will cause a great deal of harm to us at home and abroad. Who the are these people and can they be brought to justice for their actions? Is there a peaceful and democratic way to do this? I have hear about the conspiracy theories about the bomb or bombs placed in the Trade Center Buildings, and I’ve also seen slow motion video of the building collapsing and what seemed to be small detonations of explosives, but when things compress at that rate with the amount of mass involved even concrete will explode. So I am not sure about the bomb issue. Although I wont exclude it, considering all that is involved. I certainly believe you are a creditable person beyond the shadow of a doubt, and You don’t appear to be insane or remotely insane. You probably would never have ended up as an asset for the CIA had that been the case. You have great character and carry yourself well. I only say this because I watched a video of you giving a speech about these 911 issues. I don’t know when this video was done but it doesn’t really matter. Since the fact is you were in the CIA you probably already know that there are other things that our government is involved in or dealing with that would blow the general publics mind. I don’t even think that they would even want to know what is going on. I think that for most of them all they really want is to live there lives have a family and enjoy it until it is gone, not really caring to much about the future until something out of the ordinary drastically changes their lives or livelihood at single moment on a regional or even a global scale. Me I care all the way. The government, corporations and media can destroy a persons creditability and character, and they do just that to protect what ever it is they are protecting.

  78. Milan S. says:

    Useless to argue with you- in any case this was a pure inside job – and – these so-called terrorists can hardly ride their camles – but – they did thi 911 job. I thank God that Susan was not treated like the “terrorists” as per latest CIA report. Great woman – she is permanently inm my heart.

    • I am Susan Lindauer, and I fully agree 9/11 was an Inside Job. I consider it a magician’s trick— all eyes on what the left hand’s doing (that’s the airplanes flying into the towers). But the real action is the controlled demolition, which vaporizes them into rubble. No jet fuel fire could do that in 10 seconds. That’s an explosion. In fact, before the attack we surmised terrorists would use a mini-thermo nuke device. We never anticipated a mushroom cloud. But some type of explosives were ALWAYS part of the attack scenario. We speculated that anybody could drive onto a military depot anywhere on the EAsat Coast to get what they needed.

  79. Milan S. says:

    Hello Susan . I am Milan – I adore you – I lived 2 years in Baghdad in the eighties – worked for a Finnish company which sold a luxury cruiser to Saddam. Travelled in many ME countries so – what Washington is doing to the Arabs and Muslims is just too much.USA needs hundreds of characters like you to achieve some change in the policies – but ?????

    • That’s a tremendous compliment, Milan! I’m very worried for what’s happening to our world— America & Europe seem ready for a major crash, and I fear what that’s going to mean for all of us. As for finding others, more are on the march. I do believe that! But hey, it feels great to be “adored” after the horrific insults I suffered during the Bush Administration!

  80. rachellelinney says:

    i saw boston bombers and that was for me to shut up for 305 gravilla tom miller and 319 linda frest and connie who 230 lindsey oneil work for last mayor of san diego and did fake bengazzi film..woods was dentist in la jolla .panikens coffee shop and swanker was putting bugs in iran system for fienstien and his friend was holmes colorado killer where this started with me to jordanian royal kid taken out and sunni fake bengzzi film to kick back sunni and bring back to usa as china wanted in on libor rate and all banks and killing my brother 2007 and parents were to be 2001..this is operation paperclip and had no idea my dna is oldest moms to daughters and game of all wars to find for irish protastant or catholics or jewish to win ..illuminati pope in we win your dna german rape aborted to put you are lucky and royal baby? romanov, cleopatra and black madonna and ottamen..line and saved 2012 and a whole road of cia and fbi to get dna in la jolla where all is around me! all a game and now isis and isil is muslim want to play so merkel sold my girls off and cia director of 3 pres kappes and abudawod to saudi to marry ..nazi gran and kardashia jewish gran and persian and rosenfield harvard and ucsd qaulcom and 3 planes down…all a game top 20 families of woman and my name is rachelle and means lamb.. yes i know some people who are different but human or what ever one bad here and one bad there everywhere and putin has my dna and daughter there…isis for shite …illuminati and barvarian ..yes this is horrible but i was raped 30 years ago texas was it atta and arafats newphew which they made fake film as the royal saudi paid 330 billon and seblius got 7 billon and 22o billion wells fargo tweeet and texas saying no to fbi as i called fbi and did not have big omplaint and i lived with chairman of republican party…all over with this as bush gore clinton got dna and wanted their in for one world order….take my family out…i will be running fro presidrent and when all find out which i can prove and snowden was working on this …clooney film goat clinton does on men………………………..i saw the boston bomber UN shut down look at paper international dec 10 2014 and i told aix provance police 2 days before charlie hebdo as i had usa on phone from california and cia director and all bush on phone and clinton with obama they are all involved gore sold this to saudi this fake film and we find bin laden…more of our boys died ..i know this is a mess t read but i can prove and so tired no help and all take all away form me as i have all written down and need to talk and you will feel my passion as it is pure love to show the witness to all this is me and when homeland is scared and all our guys all over the world is to play this gameof women not to know we are a energy and i am a viagrra and the joke of cleopatra daughter ruled libya and fake child porno film they killed our ambassador and woods and a joke of 200 naked guys on beach and 2 ten year old with eoffil tower on shirt and black beach was set up of harvard to see if when i walk down a beach if guys privates go up!!! as the towers all over is the energy of all women at our cycle and the secret of mary magdlegne and take lots of dna and babies to find and kill for new game before another 2012… i was raped in texas and when the lady said what i thought of abotion i said this not ever telling anyone and not thinkin i was important and i was living with republican chairman john howell who families was kind but the bush family were friends and i know clinton did bengazzi with linda forest who got rome office after bengazzi and her lover? i know clooney girlfriend harresed me with wiki leaks and i just came back fromjullian who no one wnat this story as all men are scared of what women will do …religion is on women and we forgive and love and i have saved all and have zero and am sad i worked so hard countries and women beleiving for so many to die for a game …take out my family and they hunger game all …i am the one who got pensions and money back for usa and world …i am the rabbit to them and keep yelling at the sheep to wake up…please help…i know this is hard but that boy know who i am in boston and the german boy where is he? rachelle linney cheers-georgetown delaware i am with mmother then back to france to see son who is 14 and was with me at philly airport when we saw and set up with boston bombers that the black american women said no to 11 federal judges…all is this can we get this out and know if you are not the top families then they want to take out,3022538315 and my son gave up olympics for uk for usa cause i love my country and came home with 4 children and now divided and conquer us as they want to do with all..problem reaction solution and all you read or hear backwards and all at top are bad …they asked who i wanted for pres..bush no that was 911 and my parents and which group would have taken out all firefighter and police not the irishmaybe since it was bush and clinton and she is gay and german illuminati and barvarian ..but they were with cia and saudi which is isil sunni…but jewish knew as qualcom sued from china and lebonon knew it was them not arafat…and atta…that is your ebola from paid harvard to texas to phan to solterrra who in san diego is prescott which 19 boys arizona and my friend and who i called and said i called fbi and they said i did not have a big complaint which was richard campbell (boston name of dead) and all police set up and his son died then 19 in arizona may 9 2013 rolling stone and my friend ubs paula polito and ceo from texas mba and libor trail and gore sqaushed the libor rate january trial when he sold to saudi and got 330 billion and 500 mil for himself and rape is rape romeny who lived down street lost and with this and blamed me….all bank of america and nike doing this with jp morgan giving me loan and car when donar cop killer i was to be inbetween me and my daughter but went to heohn and car in fletcher all set up and all cops and militarty i was decoy army navy airforce…and tired to save as they all die as i get word out??sorry truth will set us free and you dont f with my kids or anyones and who is stronger usa or ukarine as i sat here and heid took out with at putin netherland who did this and plane down…yes women we are smucks to beleive and love sometimes but all to forgive and vote as obama went to hague and to texas ..so no bush then christie? no tht is 11 federal judges he had after me and 316 gravilla went to newark april 1 2013 and they were killed and malcom x only son killed tj boat in lj and black panther asking me as black women took film from philly airport and said she is good ! so jay z took to malcom x sister for obama but they took film and that kid died not for the coulor of my skin but i was a good mom! he also died for all blonde hair and blue eyes kids that illuminati and jay z and kanye and obama and satanist do to all as visson our friend in switzerland said we are waching me but no one is helping…so they started oss and cia and underground…as i called to get my kids out and that was the tweet obama in white house as i called from wells fargo la jolla…mott got loads and all have as ni sheng yang and xi phone to apple and all ceo…it is heartbreaking to see so much greed as they try to take me out and 325 million to saudi daughter family to hold me down and saudi roayls say why am i out of san diego??they paid defense one bad here and there to drug and hurt me??take dna..the men who lost their sons have been there and police around the world shaking my hand and saying thankyou …but which men in the world love women the most to be strong to tell the truth of mary magdelagne church of truth of women and love of family is falling down…so i am a mom they asked do you want to be a queen or pawn ..mom is a title above queeen and i saw boston bombers and no one is doing their job..all this is true but i have to come back as they are not doing there job so i can jump to all conclusions! which i will get civil liberties ….i went to all courts and all lawyers cry and cant help…san diego city beat the universe has to take care of this…so i will run for president to make sure we vote on phones and back as resure we did vote for president we want..i am so tired but this is all we have clinton who did bengazi and put me on fake film and killed our ambassdor and husband has son and hambros there and his philly wife id live there and brother died and they ran out??his dad with queen and her horses..we worked so hard to raise 4 kids with hell of all these people hurting us and turning our cheek…killing family and taking ovaries like in 1997 with di for dolly the sheep of new kids …i saw boston bombers i have to come back as this all makes me hyperventalate as it is hard when you are scrared and all is running from you from the bad things obama wife said to beckhams whose sister cut my kids hair or biden telling casey to cousin i scraton to mom? of fake film ????all want ed to pay me off but i could not figure all out…police helped take out car in califronia and gieco and bank of america helped jp morgan and two car loans on my car as they are all involved with boston bombing and all knew…alll knew …i might be the sacrifiacl lamb but you all are the sheep…please wake up ….so my book is rachelle linney for president -i saw the boston bombers and the world is not doing their job

  81. Sights dent requires I kit for job of world doing is Team of Boston’s flock a lolabye once mares in the night running to stop a Tomorrow ❤

  82. Jeffrey O says:


    I heard your interview on Coast to Coast AM, and while I don’t always agree with many of the guests that appear on the show, I always enjoy listening and consider AM radio in general to be informative and insightful. I’m not writing to agree or disagree with your premise about 9/11 being an inside job — I believe that it really was terrorists, even though I also think the government is also hiding a lot of things — but what caught my attention, interestingly enough, was your mention of Bush reading a book upside-down when the planes hit the towers. That image was actually digitally manipulated, and the original image was printed in the Associated Press, with the book being right-side up. The reason I bring this up, as trivial as it may be, is because when someone states something as fact that isn’t actually a fact (in this case, the book), it tends to diminish their credibility with anything else that they may have to say. Similarly, when you (and a caller) said “Bush Jr.” on the show, that caught my attention, too. Due to the differences in their middle initials, he’s not a ‘Jr.’, and his father isn’t a ‘Sr.’.

    Now, even though I’m not a 9/11 truther or conspiracy theorist, I believe that you’re being honest about what went on behind the scenes regarding your anti-terrorism efforts and being stonewalled with getting out the truth. After all, you were there, I wasn’t. Regardless, I know about PNAC, I know about Rumsfield getting his picture taken with Saddam in the ’80s, and I know about the whole ‘Nation Building’ philosophy of the neocons. At the same time, I believe that the conventional wisdom of what happened on 9/11 is what really happened. With big and complicated events such as this, the truth usually tends to lie somewhere in between. I respect you whistleblowing what you experienced as a counter-terrorism agent, even if I don’t fully agree with your conclusions of what led up to 9/11, and ultimately, 9/11 itself.

    • abubenadhem says:

      Good grief, Jeffrey O !!! You correctly declare that “when someone states something as fact that isn’t actually a fact…it tends to diminish their credibility with anything else that they may have to say.” Yet, at the same time, you “believe that the conventional wisdom of what happened on 9/11 is what really happened.” Please read Prof. David Ray Griffin’s 2008 book, “9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press.” I am a 75-year-old man who grew up in a Republican family in the Midwest and graduated from Harvard. As a young man, I regarded the U.S. federal government as entirely beneficent and authoritative. My life experience and study since then, however, has been a long process of changing my mind–180 degrees!– about U.S. government beneficence and truthfulness. I am amazed that a person like you, who can be so perceptive about the “digital manipulation” of published news photos and such a stickler about the inaccuracy of the popular reference to “Bush, Jr.,” can be aware of the innumerable errors, contradictions and lies of government leaders and agencies. They construct a “virtual reality” of propaganda for both U.S. and world citizens. I invite you, Jeffrey O., to liberate yourself from watching the U.S. government “Truman Show.”

      • Jeffrey O says:

        I’m a pretty open-minded individual, and I tend to base things on the evidence presented. I did state that I think the truth lies somewhere in between. I simply don’t believe that what happened on 9/11 was an “inside job.” As mentioned by Susan — and I have no reason to doubt her in this regard — there probably were government officials who knew that certain terrorist attacks were imminent but didn’t do anything to stop them from taking place. “That” much I’m willing to believe, but not any direct involvement in the attacks.

        On the other hand, when Susan makes statements such as there being “no planes”, I’m like, seriously? That’s the kind of quakery thinking that people like Judy Wood and John Lear delve into. These people believe that planes never hit the buildings and that they were somehow mirages, with the buildings being taken down and incinerated by some kind of electromagnetic ray from outer space. Being cynical about government (as I am) shouldn’t cloud one’s rational thinking. Unless the whole world is a stage that is being manipulated by an all-powerful Illuminati with very advanced technology, then I have little to no doubt that planes in fact hit the WTCs, with Mohamed Atta being the hijacker. I should also point out that I personally met the guy who purchased the flight training school where the terrorist-hijackers learned to fly. He actually knew Mohamed Atta, but didn’t know what his true intentions were.

        I don’t want to get carried away with all of this, since it’s all very complex and somewhat conspiratorial. And I can’t say that I know the author and book you referenced, but I’ll look into it with an open mind. What I found interesting, though, was that he was a guest on Coast to Coast AM 10 years ago. So it’s possible I heard that show, but just can’t recall the details of it.

        • Jeffrey, I must correct you. I did not say there were no planes. Never. Plane wreckage was found at the World Trade Center, and at the Pentagon– At Shanksville, the plane landed in Cincinnatti or Cleveland, and the Mayor met the passengers upon debarkation. They held a press conference & that airplane continued in circulation for several more years. My point is the official story of 9/11 is “hinky” — to put it politely. It stinks to high heaven. As for Mohammed Atta, it’s now pretty much confirmed he was a CIA Asset himself. He phoned his father the day after the attack to say he was alive, and denying he was connected to 9/11. Check out Rebekah Roth. She’s fascinating. And check out Barbara Honnegger about the Pentagon. Nobody has the exact story, but different researchers have figured out pieces of it.

          • Jeffrey O says:

            Thanks for that information, Susan. I’ll look into some of it, especially the Mohammed Atta connection and Shanksville story — both, which, on the surface are difficult to believe. And I apologize if you never said there were “no planes.” It’s possible I misheard, or the comment was in reference to something else.

  83. Milan S. says:

    We live in year 2015 – and there are still people who believe in the “official” fairytale abt 911. Just cannot believe.

  84. Todd Comber says:

    Well, just look at all the “fairies” we have in D.C. controlling US All. Career politicians and Corporate greed have put us in this situation. They have great benefits and retirement for doing Absolutely Nothing but agreeing to disagree just for spite…
    May God Almighty himself hold a special blessing for all of Armed Service Personnel.

  85. Dear Susan – watched several of your vids, and now reading the book. Thank you for all this, first of all. It seems to me, that your boss wanted to know if Iraq knew anything, not in order to stop the event, but in order to turn it on them. Then they could swear Iraq knew about it and did nothing to stop it. It seems obvious but maybe I’m missing something. Your boss was “pissed off” because he was ordered to get the tiniest scrap to use as a pretext, and you couldn’t find it. Maybe I’m all wet. Good luck.

  86. Milan S. says:

    You know what? I am happy you are still alive.God bless you.

  87. Leshy says:

    Dear Susan Lindauer

    It was very heartening, to hear your revelations, of the background, to numerous public events.

    As certain people, in your-land, say: ” Follow the money “, indeed .. It leaves an inimitable slime-trail, behind it, of broken lives, and ruined dreams ..

    Glad, to know, that there still are people, in the alphabetical agencies, with the guts, to ” speak truth, to power ” .. when that Thing, the monster, filling up, the whole world, with its inordinate bulk, breaks all the rules, begining, to interfere, with the proper work, of trying to stabilize, world affairs ..

    All the very best,


  88. Hi Susan,
    greetings from Berlin, Germany. I love you. I love your strength and courage to say the truth.
    Thank you very much. God may bless you and protect you NOW and in the future!

    Ulrich Wessinger

    • Milan S. says:

      Hello Susan and the rest – you have now several REAL lovers!!!! And – I am finishing the book Franklin cover-up by DeChamp abt covering up the child abuse etc in Nebraska USA – nothing new – but disgusting – you are the real hero to survive in these circustances

      • AWWWWW!! Check me out on Truth Frequency Radio, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 1pm EASTERN. I’ve covered the Franklin Scandal & I interview lots of great authors. Have a great week!

  89. Odette Ruffin says:

    Dear Linda,
    I am French.
    I have just read “Extreme préjudice”.
    Howard Zinn’s”A popular history of the United States” confirmed me that “democracy” is only a veneer and that human rights not applied to americain people who claims since the foundation of the U.S. for his rights, his right to live and to survive in particular and that the war is the economic mover of the country and that it is always favored to any negotiation or diplomacy. We never speak, we knock.
    After reading of your book, I revisited the epic of our national Jeanne d’Arc. As you, she had gifts, 6th sense, mocked (she heard voices “), she was make use of his king to lead the war, then when the wind turned, she was stopped, tortured during a trial of witchcraft and lively burnt person in Rouen. Your book allowed me to rethink its history in the light of your experience.
    Thanks to you and good luck.
    Excuse my translation.

  90. Connie says:

    Susan: Where are you?? ITS 2016 now..I believed you from the first you tube I saw with you..You were not lying ever..I hope you are safe and happier today..Never work for the government right..ID love to have coffee with You one day..You went thru hell..Your 2nd cousin never helped you did he? Be Safe, God Bless and Protect YOU Always..Sincerely, Connie

    • Hey Connie, I’m still in Washington, up to mischief occasionally. I’ve rebounded strongly after some much needed rest. I’m looking for my next adventure, while broadcasting a radio show on Saturdays and Sundays on Truth Frequency Radio!

    • Thank you for believing in me! The Feds & Trolls still kick dirt in my face, but thankfully the world is onto their game. They’re the bad guys.

  91. Jason says:

    Just watched your video on youtube. What an amazing/scary/heartbreaking story. I hope you are doing well. I love your smile.

  92. Jerry Nendel says:

    Linda, I am reading your book for the second time and is more relevant now than when I first read it. I think we all now know just how corrupt is the FBI, DOJ, etc.

  93. Phil says:

    Hi Susan,

    I hope this comment finds you well

    You are probably aware but just in case… A Federal Grand Jury has been convened in New York to consider evidence which has emerged with respect to the collapse of the twin towers and building 7.



    “Breakthrough: U.S. Attorney Agrees to Present Evidence of WTC Demolition to Federal Grand Jury

    Finally, after 17 long years, the 9/11 Truth Movement has opened an avenue to prosecuting those responsible for the shocking destruction of the World Trade Center and the horrible loss of life that resulted.

    Last spring, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry — together with more than a dozen 9/11 family members and with help from AE911Truth — filed a petition with the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan demanding that he present evidence of unprosecuted federal crimes at the World Trade Center to a special grand jury. Then, in November, came the big news: The U.S. Attorney notified the Lawyers’ Committee in writing that he would comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3332 requiring him to relay their report to a special grand jury.

    Now the Lawyers’ Committee and AE911Truth are working to ensure a thorough and successful grand jury investigation.”


    So many people have been successfully suppressed by the Deep State

    Looking at things objectively the evidence of deliberate mass murder is overwhelming, given on a platter to law enforcement agencies and justice system without effect.

    The US system of justice is not fit for purpose. But then you know that. It is a sham which serves only the interests of the elitist plutocracy.

    Thanks for your efforts your witness to this horrific attack on humanity may one day see the truth be officially known. We can hope.

    • The Grand Jury is Very exciting — The most positive action in 15 years. Hopefully the skepticism of New Yorkers trained by the media will be overcome by passion for their own city. I think we’ve got a real shot.

  94. Phil Palij says:

    New evidence from credible sources affects the inquiry into the deaths of 67 Brits at the WTC complex conducted soon after 9/11. It looks like Blair’s government went along with the whitewash over here in the UK too. One step at a time and those criminals will face justice.

    As you say, we have a real shot.

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