NSA’s Total Surveillance Exposed Many Times Over a Decade, Then Buried by Corporate Media

Posted: June 12, 2013 in Uncategorized
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What Is the Government’s Agenda?

Wednesday, 12. June 2013

USA: Where there is No Democracy that Holds Government Accountable; Only a Brainwashed People who are Chaff in the Wind

It has been public information for a decade that the US government secretly, illegally, and unconstitutionally spies on its citizens. Congress and the federal courts have done nothing about this extreme violation of the US Constitution and statutory law, and the insouciant US public seems unperturbed.

In 2004 a whistleblower informed the New York Times that the National Security Agency (NSA) was violating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by ignoring the FISA court and spying on Americans without obtaining the necessary warrants. The corrupt New York Times put the interests of the US government ahead of those of the American public and sat on the story for one year until George W. Bush was safely reelected.

By the time the New York Times published the story of the illegal spying one year later, the law-breaking government had had time to mitigate the offense with ex post facto law or executive orders and explain away its law-breaking as being in the country’s interest.

Last year William Binney, who was in charge of NSA’s global digital data gathering program revealed that NSA had everyone in the US under total surveillance. Every email, Internet site visited and phone call is captured and stored. In 2012 Binney received the Callaway Award for Civic Courage, an annual award given to those who champion constitutional rights at risk to their professional and personal lives.

There have been a number of whistleblowers. For example, in 2006 Mark Klein revealed that AT&T had a secret room in its San Francisco office that NSA used to collect Internet and phone-call data from US citizens who were under no suspicion.

The presstitute media handled these stories in ways that protected the government’s lawlessness from scrutiny and public outrage. The usual spin was that the public needs to be safe from terrorists, and safety is what the government is providing.

The latest whistle blower, Edward Snowden, has sought refuge in Hong Kong, which has a better record of protecting free speech than the US government. Snowden did not trust any US news source and took the story to the British newspaper, the Guardian.

There is no longer any doubt whatsoever that the US government is lawless, that it regards the US Constitution as a scrap of paper, that it does not believe Americans have any rights other than those that the government tolerates at any point in time, and that the government has no fear of being held accountable by the weak and castrated US Congress, the sycophantic federal courts, a controlled media, and an insouciant public.

Binney and Snowden have described in precisely accurate detail the extreme danger from the government’s surveillance of the population. No one is exempt, not the Director of the CIA, US Army Generals, Senators and Representatives, not even the president himself.

Anyone with access to a computer and the Internet can find interviews with Binney and Snowden and become acquainted with why you do have very much indeed to fear whether or not you are doing anything wrong.

James Clapper, the lying Director of National Intelligence, who would have been perfectly at home in the Hitler or Stalin regimes, condemned Snowden as “reprehensible” for insisting that in a democracy the public should know what the government is doing. Clapper insisted that secretly spying on every ordinary American was essential in order to “protect our nation.”

Clapper is “offended” that Americans now know that the NSA is spying on the ordinary life of every American. Clapper wants Snowden to be severely punished for his “reckless disclosure” that the US government is totally violating the privacy that the US Constitution guarantees to every US citizen.

President Obama allegedly educated in constitutional law, justified Clapper’s program of spying on every communication of every American citizen as a necessary violation of Americans’ civil liberties that “protects your civil liberties.” Contrast the lack of veracity of the President of the United States with the truthfulness of Snowden, who correctly stated that the NSA spying is an “existential threat to democracy.”

The presstitutes are busy at work defending Clapper and Obama. On June 9, CNN rolled out former CIA case officer Bob Baer to implant into the public’s mind that Snowden, far from trying to preserve US civil liberties, might be a Chinese spy and that Snowden’s revelations might be indicative of a Chinese espionage case.

Demonization is the US government’s technique for discrediting Bradley Manning for complying with the US Military Code and reporting war crimes and for persecuting Julian Assange of Wikileaks for reporting leaked information about the US government’s crimes. Demonization and false charges will be the government’s weapon against Snowden.

If Washington and its presstitutes can convince Americans that courageous people, who are trying to inform Americans that their historic rights are disappearing into a police state, are espionage agents of foreign powers, America can continue to be subverted by its own government.

This brings us to the crux of the matter. What is the purpose of the spying program?

Even if an American believes the official stories of 9/11 and the Boston Marathon Bombing, these are the only two terrorist acts in the US that resulted in the loss of human life in 12 years. Far more people are killed in traffic accidents and from bad diets. Why should the Constitution and civil liberty be deep-sixed because of two alleged terrorist acts in 12 years?

What is astounding is the absence of terrorist attacks. Washington is in the second decade of invading and destroying Muslim governments and countries. Civilian casualties in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya are extremely high, and in those countries that Washington has not yet invaded, such as Pakistan, Yemen, and Syria, civilians are being murdered by Washington’s drones and proxies on the ground.

It is extraordinary that Washington’s brutal 12 year assault on Muslim lives in six countries has not resulted in at least one dozen real, not fake FBI orchestrated, terrorist attacks in the US every day.

How can something as rare as terrorism justify the destruction of the US Constitution and US civil liberty? How safe is any American when their government regards every citizen as a potential suspect who has no rights?

Why is there no discussion of this in American public life? Watch the presstitutes turn Snowden’s revelations into an account of his disaffection and motives and away from the existential threat to democracy and civil liberty.

What is the government’s real agenda? Clearly, “the war on terror” is a front for an undeclared agenda. In “freedom and democracy” America, citizens have no idea what their government’s motives are in fomenting endless wars and a gestapo police state. The only information Americans have comes from whistleblowers, who Obama ruthlessly prosecutes. The presstitutes quickly discredit the information and demonize the whistleblowers.

Germans in the Third Reich and Soviet citizens in the Stalin era had a better idea of their government’s agendas than do “freedom and democracy” Americans today. The American people are the most uninformed people in modern history.

In America there is no democracy that holds government accountable. There is only a brainwashed people who are chaff in the wind.

# # # #

Paul Craig Roberts, Boiling Frogs Post contributing author, is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has been reporting on executive branch and cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. He has written or co-written eight books, contributed chapters to numerous books, and has published many articles in journals of scholarship. Mr. Roberts has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of economic policy, and has been a critic of both Democratic and Republican administrations. You can visit his website here.

© PaulCraigRoberts.org

  1. Excellent!!!!


  2. Clay Pickering says:

    Hi Susan,

    I addressed this to Paul and Sibel Edmonds.

    Fine article by Paul. In your book “Classified Woman” your husband said the following: “They that are willing to give up essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety.” Yes, the apropos quote comes from Benjamen Franklin. It is also said by our government that there are no guarantees against keeping people safe from “terrorism.” If this is so, then why not keep our liberties in lieu of proving the negative? And, whose “terrorism” is more dangerous – Foreign or Domestic? Moreover, where’s the security in National Security? Should we not be asking ourselves to protect our Constitutional rights under the National INTEREST instead? It behooves us to understand the difference between the two.

  3. JP says:

    Read Hanna Arendt’s “The Roots of Totalitarianism”. The American people have been occluded from the political process for quite some time.

  4. Randy Crow says:

    Because I believe the Raci$t911GoldmanBanksterRubins are responsible for 911, the 2008 Economic Melt, the illegal price fixing of GLDSLV down, Sandy, Aurora, Santa Monica, the war on and torture of our very own Susan, rape murder of Ambas Stevens, theft of AP sources, IRS powers used against enemies, GunRegistry and too many other dirty deeds to remember, this list proves there is absolutely nothing the bad guys’ will not do. The bunch has zero zip morals. One aspect of the NSA data mining that seems obvious and something money people will not accept is, the stealing of business secretes. When Apple must worry that the Rubin directed NSA is stealing its secretes and giving for profit Apple genius, for example, though we talk of the theft of ALL genius, to its competitors, then the bad guys have lowered the world to a new low. NSA is stealing all creativity when it steals all thoughts that lead to creativity from every person on the planet. I think I recall that one definition of insanity is a person with no boundaries. This definition tells us the NSA is not only corrupt, its insane.

  5. […] NSA’s Total Surveillance Exposed Many Times Over a Decade, Then Buried by Corporate Media (extremeprejudiceusa.wordpress.com) […]

    • Ryan Mielke says:

      Thanks for the article. This country seems to have slipped into a status quo where the citizens think they don’t have the power to change what the government does. The media reinforces these limitations by playing on our fear of what might happen to us if we speak up. This cycle is exacerbated by the lack of caring that the public shows towards the current issues that while it seems doesn’t directly affect us now, will have huge ramifications in the future for us and the generations to come. We are more concerned with the next iPad, newest TV show, or latest fad that hits the scene than on what actually matters. It will take more than a Snowden to wake people up, unless we start communicating with each other about these important issues. Grassroots. Dinner table talk. We have been so isolated from the real importance of these issues by the media and government that we have thrown our hands in the air. Unless we choose to speak up. Peacefully, but with strength and conviction.

      If everyone blows the whistle, will the government hear it?

      Keep up the great work Susan!

      • Beautifully stated! We’ve got to stand up for our Constitution right now. We’re sliding down that treacherous path to tyranny, and we won’t recover.

        • Ryan Mielke says:

          I completely agree. What do you suggest the average citizen do? Are there more effective ways to create this change? I know it starts with educating the masses, but how do we affect the powers that be?

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